Breaking change from version 1.0.0. From v1.0.0 this module should be used as esm module. If you prefer use as CommonJS Module, install previous v0.1.6
Generate a random and valid Spanish DNI/NIF or NIE.
npm i personal-document-generator --save-dev
Version v1.0.0
import { getValidDNI, getValidNIE } from 'personal-document-generator';
//=> '30292557Q'
//=> 'Z5247524X'
Version v0.1.6
const { getValidDNI, getValidNIE } = require('personal-document-generator');
//=> '30292557Q'
//=> 'Z5247524X'
If you work in a project where you need to test the user forms where the user has to fill an input with his/her id.
If you have an automated tool to fill for you user forms, and that forms contains an DNI/NIF/NIE input. And you need to generate a different one every time.
This tool can help you.