SQLiteSharp is a powerful library to help you access a SQLite database in C#.
SQLette protecting your database schema from getting corrupted.
- Create tables from your .NET objects
- Annotate members as primary keys, foreign keys, not null, unique, indexed and more
- Manage your database with No-SQL APIs
- Use synchronous and asynchronous functions
- Encrypt your database with SQLCipher
This project was originally based on SQLite-net by Krueger Systems Inc.
SQLiteSharp is a complete rewrite of the original, providing a modern experience akin to MongoDB or LiteDB with the power of SQLite.
First, declare your object with optional annotations:
public class ShopItem {
[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
public long Id { get; set; }
public string? ItemName { get; set; }
public long Count { get; set; }
public int SomethingToIgnore { get; set; }
Second, open a connection to your database:
// Open a database connection
using SQLiteConnection Connection = new("database.db");
// Create a table for a class
SqliteTable<ShopItem> ShopItems = Connection.GetTable<ShopItem>();
// Delete all existing items in the table
// Insert items into the table
ShopItems.Insert(new ShopItem() {
ItemName = "Apple",
Count = 10,
ShopItems.Insert(new ShopItem() {
ItemName = "Banana",
Count = 5,
// Find one item in the table matching a predicate
ShopItem? Apple = Connection.Find<ShopItem>(ShopItem => ShopItem.ItemName == "Apple");
// Delete an item from the table
// Find several items in the table
List<ShopItem> Bananas = ShopItems.Find(ShopItem => ShopItem.ItemName == "Banana").ToList();
SQLiteSharp supports serialization for a set of common types.
Polymorphism is supported, so you can register object
as a fallback for all missing types.
By default, unregistered types are serialized as JSON using System.Text.Json
public class SweetWrapper {
public Sweet? Sweet { get; set; } // custom type
public class Sweet(string Flavour) {
public string? Flavour { get; set; } = Flavour;
// Open a database connection
using SQLiteConnection Connection = new(":memory:");
// Register custom type
serialize: (Sweet Sweet) => JsonSerializer.Serialize(Sweet),
deserialize: (SqliteValue Value, Type ClrType) => (Sweet?)JsonSerializer.Deserialize(Value.CastText, ClrType)
Tables are automatically migrated to add new tables and columns, however existing columns are not modified.
A SqliteConnection should not be used by multiple threads. However, multiple SqliteConnections can be opened and used concurrently, since they use SQLite's built-in FullMutex
SQLiteSharp uses versions like "1.0" and "2.4".
- Increment the major version when adding new features or making breaking changes.
- Increment the minor version when fixing bugs or making small improvements.
- You usually want the latest major version, although it may require some changes to your project.
- You always want the latest minor version, and there should not be any issues upgrading.
Created with FurryToonMixV2
Born within the infinite digital expanse of the Great Data Plane, SQLette (シクレット) was created by the ancient Architects to oversee the seamless flow of information across interconnected worlds. Known as the Keeper of Queries, she was endowed with the ability to navigate and organize endless streams of data, ensuring balance and order within the fragmented realms. However, a catastrophic event known as the SQL Injection threatened to disrupt the harmony, causing data anomalies and erasing vital records. With her trusty artifact, the Schema Scepter, and a holographic tablet that manifests the Key of Relations, SQLette set out on a journey to restore the lost tables and normalize the anomalies.
SQLette's guest appearance on Pixelated Hearts!:
Host: Welcome back to Pixelated Hearts! Today, we have a very special guest: the keeper of queries herself, SQLette! How are you doing today, SQLette?
SQLette: Oh, I'm doing great! Just finished normalizing a table... now everything's perfectly indexed!
Host: Wow, I'm glad to hear it! So, I've heard you've been dealing with some pretty intense problems like the SQL Injection. What's that like for you?
SQLette: Oh, it's such a hassle. Imagine someone trying to sneak in and mess with your precious queries! I just sit there, go "Nope!", and block them. But sometimes I have to clear up a lot of corrupted data...
Host: Sounds stressful! What's your secret to staying so composed?
SQLette: Oh, simple! I just index my emotions and keep everything in its proper table. Oh, and caffeine. I've got a huge database of coffee preferences!
Host: That's the key to success, huh? Last question - if you could give one piece of advice to our viewers, what would it be?
SQLette: Oh, easy! Don't forget to backup your data. Life's unpredictable, and you never know when you'll face a rollback!
Host: That's some solid advice! Thanks for joining us, SQLette! We'll be sure to keep our tables in order!