- Feature: Role defaults / Role manager: download export data as file + import from file. #73
- Enhancement: Refresh page instead of redirect to home when switching to a site visitor on the frontend. #76
- Enhancement: Role Manager: Refresh the page if a role is updated while active in the current view.
- Enhancement: jQuery selector performance.
- Compatibility: WP 4.9 capabilities.
- Compatibility: WP Admin UI Customize admin bar editor. #40 & WAUC/#1 & WAUC/#2
- Compatibility: Fix issue with Restrict User Access. RUA/#15
- Compatibility: Fetch all capabilities from Yoast SEO (5.5+).
- Compatibility: Must-use plugin loader scripts.
- UI: The almighty View Admin As loader icon.
- UI: Full opacity when semi-transparent group nodes are opened.
- UI: Admin page links for Groups and Restrict User Access modules.
- UI: Resizable checkbox wrappers.
Detailed info: PR on GitHub