A Java image encoder programmed in Java using Swing as GUI Toolkit. JIEnc allows to encode messages in a PNG image and decode them later.
You can download the pre-build .JAR file. For the execution you must have a jre installed and type the following command:
java -jar JIEnc.jar
To encode an image:
- Choose a valid .PNG image with the 'Browse' button.
- Type a message in the 'Message' field.
- Press 'Encode' and choose the destination path.
To decode an image:
- Choose a valid .PNG image with the 'Browse' button.
- Press 'Decode'. The decoded message will appear in the 'Message' field.
Source code is available and you can import it to your Eclipse workspace.
Each pixel of the image is represented by 3 colors and each color is stored in one byte of information. This application uses the last bit of each color to encode a message. Therefore, 3 bits are available per pixel.
Changes are not visible to the naked eye.