This repository contains the configurations from my Arch Linux environment, which uses Hyprland as the main window manager.
While this repository ideally should include all relevant configuration and settings files, it may not contain every file due to the nature of the associated contents. If any files are missing, I will provide the reason, which may simply be that I forgot to include them.
Although the main idea was for me to set up everything on my system, I have also used external resources (e.g., Waybar), and in such cases, I will add the respective credits to the original authors.
It’s important to note that, apart from the Hyprland installation, almost all the packages were installed using the default terminal (Kitty).
What will you find1
- Hyprland.
- ZSH.
The Hyprland config_files
directory that I included contain scripts I created for various purposes. The config_files
directory includes the main script (automatically generated by Hyprland) and Hyprpaper. The hyprland.config
file sets up basic configurations, such as display settings, shell preferences, and key bindings, while hyprpaper.config
enables the Hyprpaper extension, allowing you to add custom wallpapers.
"Waybar" is the status bar on the main desktop that displays useful information about the system, such as hardware usage, date, workspaces, and more. While I refer to it as "waybar", it must be said that there are other customizable bars available. However, I chose this one, which must be installed like the other hypr extensions, though it will be in a different directory depending on your system (see the official Waybar page). To edit waybar, you should have basic knowledge of JavaScript
and CSS
2. In this repository, the waybar_config
directory includes a custom version of an existing waybar configuration (meaning I made some changes to it). I'm not an expert in JavaScript
and CSS
, so I opted to use another waybar that must be installed according to the instructions in the repository. The waybar I included, along with the respective script, is still a work in progress.
ZSH is a Unix shell known for its customization. Because of this, I decided to incorporate it alongside Kitty, the default terminal.
Customization is done in the .zshrc
file. Like other services (e.g., Neovim), ZSH requires a plugin manager; in this case, the chosen one is zinit. Additionally, a font package (ideally Nerd Fonts) is needed, and I prefer JetBrains Mono. The contents of .zshrc
should be copied to your personal file (which should be created automatically when installing ZSH) and should be ready to go after you save it.
- Hyprland: add basic programs3.
- Hyprland: customize shell.
- Hyprland: add global dark theme.
- Waybar: add location temperature.
- Waybar: finish my custom status bar.
Main Desktop (
General Desktop (left display:
Using my Battlestation4:
This project is still a work in progress. I am new to the Hyprland world and need to polish my skills. Currently, I don’t have a lot of time to work on this, but I will be incorporating new features to make it more usable. If you like this (still developing...and pootly developed for now) custom desktop, feel free to try it and share any suggestions or comments :D, everything is welcome.
Also, the screenshots show a Neovim customization. It doesn't come with the repository, but you can find it in another one I created a while ago, if you're interested.
- Hyprland:
- Hyprpaper:
- Waybar:
- Waybar (in use):
- zsh:
- Zinit:
- Starship:
- Nerdfonts JetBrains Mono6:
- Fzf (fuzzy finder):
- Fzf tab: