The sound classes define the sound effects for thing game objects, e.g.: walking, running, jumping, etc.
The file is a text file containing rows representing different sound class modes (e.g., walking, running, jumping, etc.). Each row includes the sound effect file name, play flags, minimum radius, maximum radius, and maximum volume.
sound-class-mode WAV-filename playflags min-radius max-radius max-volume
Sound Class | Mode Number |
create | 1 |
activate | 2 |
startmove | 3 |
stopmove | 4 |
moving | 5 |
lwalkhard | 6 |
rwalkhard | 7 |
lrunhard | 8 |
rrunhard | 9 |
lwalkmetal | 10 |
rwalkmetal | 11 |
lrunmetal | 12 |
rrunmetal | 13 |
lwalkwater | 14 |
rwalkwater | 15 |
lrunwater | 16 |
rrunwater | 17 |
lwalkpuddle | 18 |
rwalkpuddle | 19 |
lrunpuddle | 20 |
rrunpuddle | 21 |
lwalkearth | 22 |
rwalkearth | 23 |
lrunearth | 24 |
rrunearth | 25 |
lwalksnow | 26 |
rwalksnow | 27 |
lrunsnow | 28 |
rrunsnow | 29 |
lwalkwood | 30 |
rwalkwood | 31 |
lrunwood | 32 |
rrunwood | 33 |
lwalkhardecho | 34 |
rwalkhardecho | 35 |
lrunhardecho | 36 |
rrunhardecho | 37 |
lwalkwoodecho | 38 |
rwalkwoodecho | 39 |
lrunwoodecho | 40 |
rrunwoodecho | 41 |
lwalkearthecho | 42 |
rwalkearthecho | 43 |
lrunearthecho | 44 |
rrunearthecho | 45 |
lwalkaet | 46 |
rwalkaet | 47 |
lrunaet | 48 |
rrunaet | 49 |
enterwater | 50 |
enterwaterslow | 51 |
exitwater | 52 |
exitwaterslow | 53 |
lswimsurface | 54 |
rswimsurface | 55 |
treadsurface | 56 |
lswimunder | 57 |
rswimunder | 58 |
treadunder | 59 |
jump | 60 |
jumpmetal | 61 |
jumpwater | 62 |
jumpearth | 63 |
jumpsnow | 64 |
jumpwood | 65 |
jumphardecho | 66 |
jumpwoodecho | 67 |
jumpearthecho | 68 |
jumpaet | 69 |
landhard | 70 |
landmetal | 71 |
landwater | 72 |
landpuddle | 73 |
landearth | 74 |
landsnow | 75 |
landwood | 76 |
landhardecho | 77 |
landwoodecho | 78 |
landearthecho | 79 |
landaet | 80 |
landhurt | 81 |
hithard | 82 |
hitmetal | 83 |
hitearth | 84 |
deflected | 85 |
scrapehard | 86 |
scrapemetal | 87 |
scrapeearth | 88 |
hitdamaged | 89 |
falling | 90 |
corpsehit | 91 |
hurtimpact | 92 |
hurtenergy | 93 |
hurtfire | 94 |
hurtfists | 95 |
hurtmachete | 96 |
drowning | 97 |
death1 | 98 |
death2 | 99 |
deathunder | 100 |
drowned | 101 |
splattered | 102 |
pant | 103 |
breath | 104 |
gasp | 105 |
fire1 | 106 |
fire2 | 107 |
fire3 | 108 |
fire4 | 109 |
curious | 110 |
alert | 111 |
idle | 112 |
gloat | 113 |
fear | 114 |
boast | 115 |
slide1 | 116 |
victory | 117 |
help | 118 |
flee | 119 |
search | 120 |
calm | 121 |
surprise | 122 |
reserved1 | 123 |
reserved2 | 124 |
reserved3 | 125 |
reserved4 | 126 |
reserved5 | 127 |
reserved6 | 128 |
reserved7 | 129 |
reserved8 | 130 |
stand2walk | 131 |
walk2stand | 132 |
climbhandleft | 133 |
climbhandright | 134 |
climbhoriz | 135 |
climbonto | 136 |
climbdownonto | 137 |
lswimaet | 138 |
rswimaet | 139 |
treadaet | 140 |