Original :
- URL : https://github.com/raphaelquati/ListDependency
- Author : Copyright Raphael Couto
- Original License : Apache License Version 2.0
- From commit : 8b8beff9aa761c4e62d5368414fb24fc980ab257
Modified/Altered :
- Author : Copyright 2024 Guillaume Guillet
- License : Apache License Version 2.0
This is a utility Windows app that retrieve all DLLs from a executable and list them. You can also copy all DLLs to a directory and find DLLs recursively.
You need MSYS2 environnement (not tested on MSVC) and CMake.
Just create a build directory at root and do :
cmake ..
cmake --build .
The executable should be ready to go and you can use it in a terminal like this :
depsRetriever --file YOUR_EXE --recursive --copy COPY_DLL_PATH --ignoreWindows
This is the initial push after working on the original code.
- Remove all QT codes.
- Add CLI11 library, adding command line options and arguments.
- Refactor of the original code using C++20.