import Developer from 'JonatanBadillo';
class Bio extends Developer {
name = 'Jonatan Badillo';
pronouns = ["he", "him"];
title = 'Computer Science Student & Full-Stack Developer';
location = 'Mexico';
education = {
degree: "B.S. in Computer Science",
university: "Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla",
gpa: 3.88,
graduationYear: 2025,
class Skills extends Developer {
programmingLanguages = ["JavaScript", "TypeScript", "Java", "Python", "C/C++", "SQL", "R"];
frameworks = ["Node.js", "React", "NextJS", "Angular", "Bootstrap", "Tailwind CSS"];
tools = ["Jupyter", "TensorFlow", "Shiny", "Postman", "Git"];
databases = ["MySQL", "MongoDB"];
I am a dedicated Computer Science student passionate about data analysis, web development, and machine learning. I'm actively seeking opportunities to contribute to impactful projects.
- 🔭 Recent projects include air quality analysis and innovative web applications.
- 🌱 Currently enhancing skills in machine learning and full-stack development.
- 📫 Reach me via