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John Ramirez edited this page Nov 15, 2021 · 24 revisions

SearchCrazy Page - SearchUI -

The SearchCrazy Page, SearchUI, is what you see when you click on the SearchCrazy button in the popup icon extension menu. I often will refer to this page as the SearchUI, Search User Interface. This page is new for this extension and it helps organize all the search triggers you have added. Search triggers are the new search jobs from the original script. Due to MTURK changing the way panda, search and queue PRE limits are set at I was able to separate the one timer into 3 different timers. The search triggers do not add to the panda PRE limit and vice versa. Search triggers use one link that checks the MTURK search page for any triggered requester ID, group ID or words it finds. The listing of the triggers can be filtered in different ways so you can find a trigger you want. You must have the PandaCrazy page in another tab for the searching to work correctly.

[Top Menu]

The Top Menu area shows the main button menus and the stats from the extension. You will see buttons and dropdown buttons which will show a submenu when you click on the down triangle icon. Each button will do a function that is most desired. The other functions you can do are in the submenu. To the right of the top buttons are the stats for the search page. Below the top row are more buttons which lets you control filters, control sorting, add triggers and allow auto accepting of HITs. The background color will be red to show searching is not working and green to show it is now searching.

   1. [Menu Buttons]

The buttons on this page are are either a regular button or a dropdown button which will show a submenu. The Filters and Sorting button will show a submenu where you can change how the triggers are shown in the trigger card area.

  • [Start Search Button] - This button is very important to the operation of the search triggers. You must start the search with this button so the extension can check the MTURK search page for any enabled triggers. The searching will not start unless you have the PandaCrazy page opened in another tab and you have at least one search trigger enabled. When the button is clicked you will see the button text changed to Stop Search, the status text next to it will show ON and the background color of the top menu changes to green. This is to make it perfectly clear that it is now working.
  • [Searching Status Text] - This is not a button and only shows the current status of the search page. If it shows OFF then it is not doing anything. If it shows ON then it is actively checking the MTURK search page for any enabled triggers it can find.
  • [Options Button] - This button will bring up the general options dialog modal. Clicking on the down triangle icon next to it will show the submenu with many other different options to change. General options deal with how the searching is done and some default values for triggers. The advanced option deals with the memory being used for HITs found and your history. The alarms options will give you a way to change the alarm sounded when a custom search trigger is found. The blocked ID's is where you can add or remove requester and group ID's to be added so they won't be triggered.
  • [List Button] - This button will bring up a dialog modal with all the triggers added listed. You can filter the triggers by the top radio buttons or the search text input box. Click on the Search button to filter the triggers by the search word. Each trigger row will show the type of trigger, trigger name, trigger ID or main word and the status. To the left of the trigger you will see a checkbox you can use to delete multiple triggers at once. Once you have the triggers you want deleted click on the Delete Selected button at the top and it will ask if you are sure you want to delete the selected triggers. Click on the Yes button to accept or click on any other button to cancel. Using the Unselect All button will unselect all the triggers you have selected.
  • [Add Button] - This is how you add a regular trigger. When you click this button it will bring up a dialog modal where you can add a requester ID or group ID to the text input. You can also name this trigger anything you would like but by default it will use the ID number instead. You can set any other optional options for this trigger and when you are ready to create it then just push the Add New Search Trigger button.
  • [Add Custom Button] - The custom search trigger is different than the others so this button will let you create one. When you click on this button it will show a dialog modal with text inputs at the top. You must provide a search word or phrase, a unique name and the minimum pay amount. Be sure to use a good unique name for it so you can remember what the trigger is set for. There are other optional options you can set or leave the default values. When you are ready to create the trigger click on the Add New Search Trigger button.
  • [Groupings Button] - This button will bring up a list of all the groupings you have created. Clicking on the down triangle icon next to it will bring up a submenu with other functions you can do with groupings. You can create a grouping by selecting the triggers you want or all the enabled or disabled triggers. This is also where you can start, stop or edit any grouping.
  • [Filters Button] - You may filter which triggers are shown in the card area by clicking on any of the options in the submenu. You can show only the enabled, disabled or all the trigger cards if you want.
  • [Sorting Button] - This button will show a submenu where you can decide how the trigger cards are sorted when displaying them. The sorting options are by the date added, the number of found HITs or by the last time a HIT was found. You can also reverse the sorting order by clicking on the selected sorting option which changes the triangle icon to show which direction it will sort by.
  • [Allow Auto Button] - This button is an advanced feature which will allow custom search triggers automatically collect HITs with a certain limit. This is explained in the advanced section.

   2. [Search Stats]

Here is where the stats are shown on how the searching is going. 4 stats are show here to give the user more information of what is happening. Unlike the PandaUI stats most stats do not have other stats to be shown when clicking on the stats text.

  • [Elapsed] - This shows the amount of time elapsed the last time it went to check the MTURK search page in milliseconds. 1000 milliseconds is equal to 1 second. By default this is set at 950 milliseconds. You can change this value in the options if you are getting too many search PRE's. Search triggers share the PRE's with other scripts that use the MTURK search page like Hit Finder, Hit Scraper, or Hit Forker so the timer value may have to be higher if you are using other scripts.

    Clicking on the Elapsed stat text will show the Fetch Elapsed stat:

    • [Fetch Elapsed:] - This will display how many milliseconds it took from sending MTURK a search request and receiving a response.
  • [Fetched] - This is the amount of times the extension has checked the MTURK search page for any triggered HITs.

  • [Search PRE's] - Any search PRE's that the extension receives from MTURK will be added here. You may get a lot if you are using other scripts that use the MTURK search page. It is your responsibility to make sure you don't get a lot of PRE's because MTURK would not be pleased if your search timer is too low. Can always change the search timer in the options to make sure you are not bombarding the MTURK servers.

  • [HITs Available] - This will show the amount of HITs available on the MTURK search page last time it checked. This can be useful to see what days are busier than others.

[Search Trigger Cards]

A tabbed area showing all the triggers added. The triggers will be shown according to the filtered and sorting status from the buttons at top. There are 3 permanent tabs to organize the triggers better and one permanent tab to show any triggered HITs that are found from custom triggers. Each trigger card has two buttons on the right side. The first is the details button which will alow changing the options and the name of the trigger. The second is the delete button which allows you to delete triggers similar to the way you delete panda jobs. You may also use the [CTRL] mouse click to select multiple cards for deletion and then click on any of the delete buttons. [ALT] mouse click will deselect all selected cards.

   1. [Trigger Tabs]

  • There are 3 tabs for each type of trigger that can be created. The first is for requester ID's, the second is for group ID's and the third is for custom triggers. The number shown in the tab on the right side is the number of enabled triggers and the number of triggers in total of that type. You may not add, delete or rename any of these tabs. You may not move any card around in different positions or different tabs.

   2. [Requester ID Triggers]

  • These triggers are also called RID triggers. They will trigger on any HIT from the requester ID it is looking for. This is very similar to the original search job but it will be using the MTURK search page instead of the requester page. When a HIT is found it will create a panda job on the PandaCrazy page and start collecting. If there is already a job created then it will just start collecting it automatically.

   3. [Group ID Triggers]

  • These triggers are also called GID triggers. They will trigger on any HIT that has the group ID it is looking for. This is useful for taking the place of a panda job which may not be needed. When a HIT is found it will create a panda job on the PandaCrazy page and start collecting. If there is already a job created then it will just start collecting it automatically.

   4. [Custom Search Triggers]

  • These triggers are new and a very powerful way to find HITs. They will trigger on any HIT that has the added words or phrases in the title or description of any HITs which has the price above the set minimum price for the trigger. These triggers act differently than the other triggers because it won't automatically create or collect panda jobs. Any triggered HITs from these triggers will sound an alarm and add the HIT details to the Custom Triggered HITs Tab. You can add any HIT found to the PandaCrazy page from that tab if you would like. There is also an automatic way of adding HITs with limits but that will be explained in the advanced section.

   5. [Custom Triggered HITs Tab]

  • When HITs are found from custom search triggers it will be added in this tab at the top. Each HIT will have the requester name, HIT approval rate, title and price shown in a row. In the front of the title there will be a word in brackets and in a different color that shows which triggered name was found. The triggered name may also be highlighted in the title if it was found in the title but the word may be in the description which isn't shown. At the left side of each HIT there will be a link to the turkerview requester page showing any reviews or ratings other turk users have shared. If you hover over the requester name it will show a tooltip with the MTURK supplied activity level, approval rate and review time of the requester. For easier access the approval rate is shown after the requester name. The approval rate can be hidden in the general options. The buttons on the right side are the panda, once only, search once and search multiple buttons. These buttons will create a panda job on the PandaCrazy page and start collecting or a search trigger on the search page. If you want more details for this HIT you can double click on that row to bring up a dialog modal with information for the HIT. From this dialog you can also block this HIT from future triggers with the buttons on the bottom.

   6. [Trigger Stats]

  • The trigger cards are smaller than panda jobs so it can only show a few info for the user. The only thing on a trigger card that is shown is the trigger name. This will usually be enough for most people but there is a way to show stats and all HITs found instead of the details dialog modal. Just click on any card once and it will show a button and stat numbers. The first number is the number of Found HITs it has in it's history. The second number is the total number of HITs it has found since it was created. Clicking on the Found HITs button will bring up a dialog modal showing all the HITs it has found saved in it's history database. This is limited by a value in the search advanced options. From the dialog modal you can easily block any HITs by clicking on the Block HIT button.

   7. [Deleting Triggers]
  • There are 3 ways to delete triggers right now.

  1. Pressing the X button on the triggers cards will open up a modal dialog asking if you want to delete this trigger. Click on the Yes button to delete it or any other button to cancel deleting.

  1. You can also see a listing of all your triggers by clicking on the List button at the top. This will bring up a modal dialog showing your trigger listing. Now You can click on the checkboxes to the left of any trigger listed you want to be deleted. Once you have selected all the triggers you want deleted then click on the Delete Selected button at the top. A modal dialog will be shown asking if you want the selected triggers to be deleted. Clicking on the Yes button will delete all selected triggers or any other button will cancel deleting but won't deselect any triggers.

  1. You can also [CTRL] mouse click on the card to select that trigger for deletion. The delete button will have the background change to red and the X color changed to yellow showing that it's now selected. Do that to as many triggers you want deleted then click on any of the delete buttons to have a dialog come up asking if you are sure you want to delete all of the selected triggers. Click on the Yes button to delete the selected triggers or click on the Unselect All button to cancel deleting triggers and unselect all the triggers selected. Clicking on any other button will cancel the delete but won't unselect any trigger. [ALT] mouse clicking a trigger card will unselect all triggers selected also.

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