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Panda Cards

John Ramirez edited this page Jan 2, 2021 · 30 revisions

PandaUI - Panda Job Cards

This is the area which you will be watching a lot because all your jobs added will be stored here. Each panda job you see here is called a job card. Think of them like cards which you can move around in different positions. Cards are just a way for the extension to know the contents inside is separate from other contents. This allows the user to move cards in different positions and drop it in other tabs. By default two tabs are set up and one job card is added for example. You may add, rename or delete tabs when you want. The main tab is permanent and may not be renamed or deleted. I may refer panda job cards as just panda jobs, panda cards or job cards. They all mean the same thing. Each of these cards will represent a panda job with HIT info and stats displayed. On the bottom of the card will be buttons for a user to collect, delete or make it go ham.

[Working with tabs]

In the Panda Jobs area you will see that cards can be separated into tabs. By default there are two tabs created. The Main tab is permanent and can not be renamed or deleted. The 2nd tab is there for an example by showing you can organize daily jobs into a tab. You may delete or rename this tab to what you want. You can also add any new tabs you would like. Cards can also be moved to a different tab with drag and drop.

  • [Add New Tab] - The + on the right of all the tabs is the button for adding a new tab. When you click on the button, a dialog modal will show up with a text input where you can type in the new title of the tab. You can also keep the provided tab name with a unique number at the end. When you are satisfied just click on the Add Tab button.

  • [Delete a Tab] - Delete any tab by clicking on the red X on the right side of the tab you want deleted. This will bring a dialog with a question for you to answer. If you are sure you want to delete the tab click on the Yes button. Any other button clicked will not delete the tab and close the dialog modal.

  • [Rename a Tab] - Right click on the tab you want to rename and it will show a dialog modal for you to enter the new name. Type in the new name in the text input provided and then click on the Rename Tab button.

  • [Moving Cards to a Tab] - To move a card to a tab all you have to do is click and hold mouse button on the card and then drag it to the tab you want it in. Once you let go of the mouse button it will change to that tab and add the job card inside it. Every card that gets moved to a tab will be added to the end of the job cards in that tab.

[Adding Job Cards]

Job cards represent a panda link. You will be able to see all the data of the HIT on the card. There are a few ways of adding jobs to the extension.

  • [Add New Job Card] - To add a new job card you just have to click on the Add Job button in the quick menu at the top of the page. There is also an Add button in the submenu of the job menu. You may also add jobs from MTURK by clicking on the PCM buttons created on HIT pages. There should also be PCM buttons on MTURK related forums when people post HITs they find.
  • [Info Needed to Add] - Once you click on the Add Job button a dialog modal will display with with a required text input box at the top. The text input box accepts any group ID, preview URL, accept URL or panda URL. You may also add search jobs here but it's better to add a search trigger on the SearchCrazy page. To add a search job here you can enter in the requester ID or requester URL and it will automatically create a RID search job.
  • [Start Collecting] - The start collecting checkbox will cause the new panda job to start collecting once it is created. If you uncheck it then you will have to push the Collect button to start collecting the panda job.
  • [Collect Only Once] - This will limit this job to only collect one HIT and then stop. It will not be deleted so if you start collecting again it will only collect another HIT and then stop again.
  • [Search Job] - This will force a panda job into a search job. If you entered in a panda link or group id then the search job created would be a GID search. If you entered in a requester URL or requester ID then a RID search will be created.
  • [Optional Info] - The bottom text inputs are not needed but you can fill it in if you have the info so it displays it on the card. Usually the extension will fill everything in if it finds a HIT. You can always add this info later with the Details button.

[Card Buttons and Details]

When you create a job card it will not start collecting unless you tell it to do that. The buttons on the card have a few ways of interacting with it and can change how it is being collected. The requester Name, ID or your friendly name will be displayed at the top of the card. Usually the extension will grab this if it finds a HIT. You can always change this in the details modal dialog. The Group ID is shown on the top right in a shortened form. Click on the ID to copy the preview URL. Double click on the ID to open up a new window with the preview page for this HIT.

  • [Collect Button] - This button will cause the extension to start collecting HITs if any are found. It uses a panda link with the group ID to grab any HITs. The button turns green to show it is collecting.
  • [GoHam Button] - This button will cause the extension to ignore every other job that is collecting and only collect this job. This will also change the timer used to the GoHam timer which is usually a bit faster. The button will turn green to show it's in GoHam mode and all other GoHam buttons will turn grey.

  • [Delayed GoHam Mode] - Click and hold the GoHam button for a second to put the job in delayed GoHam mode. This button will turn blue to show this mode is on. This mode will automatically go into GoHam mode when a HIT is found. After a specified time in the timer options it will go back to normal mode and allow all other jobs to collect again. By default the amount of time is 6 seconds. This allows a better chance of grabbing any HITs found. Every time it finds a HIT it will reset this time until it finds no HITs in the specified time.
  • [Details Button] - This is the place for you to change the details and options for this HIT. To read more about the options go to [Job Card Details Page]
  • [Delete Button] - The X button will delete the job card with all the data and stats.
  • [Disable A Job Card] - You can now disable a panda job by clicking and holding the Collect button for a second. The button will change the text to -Disabled- on the button to show it is disabled. This is useful if you need to quickly disable a job that was created by a search job/trigger. To enable a panda job just click and hold the -Disabled- button and it should change back to the Collect button. You will also see search jobs on the pandaUI page with the -Disabled- button which just shows that it's not searching.

  • [Search Job Functions] - Search jobs do things differently in this extension. I recommend to move search jobs to the SearchCrazy page and convert them to search triggers instead. Search jobs are all Disabled at first. Click on the -Disabled- button to enable the search job.
  1. If it is a GID search then it will start to collect first by using a panda link for a specified amount of time. The button will change the text to -Collecting-. By default this should be 12 seconds. If it finds any HITs it will create a panda job and reset the collection time. If no HITs are found in the collection time then it starts to search on the search page the same way a search trigger functions. To disable the search job click on the -Collecting- or -Searching- job and the button will change to -Disabled-.

  1. If it is a RID search then it will check the requester page first to see if there are any HITs already available. If no HITs are available then it starts to search the same way as a search trigger. To disable the search job click on the -Searching- job and the button will change to -Disabled-.

[Listing All Job Cards]

If you want to see all the jobs you have created even if they are in different tabs there is an easy way of doing this.

  • [All Job Listings] - Click on the Jobs button at the top menu. A dialog modal showing all the jobs you have will be displayed. At the top you will see some radio buttons which will filter the listing accordingly. You may also enter in a search word for the requester name or title so you filter the listing further. Click the Search button once you enter in a search word. The checkboxes on the left side of each job allows you to select the jobs you want deleted. The Delete Selected button will delete all selected jobs. You also can start collecting HITs with the Collect button or view the job details with the Details button.

[Deleting Job Cards]

There will be times you may need to delete a job card. This will remove all data and stats for this HIT. There are 3 ways to delete a job card. You can also delete multiple cards at once too.

  • [Delete 1 card] - You can easily delete any job card by clicking on the X button on the card you don't want anymore. This will open up a dialog modal asking if you are sure you want to delete this job card. Just click the Yes button and it will be removed. Any other button will cancel deleting.

  • [Delete From Job Listings] - One way of deleting multiple jobs fast and easy would be from the job listings dialog modal by clicking on the Jobs button at the top. On the left side of each job displayed will be a checkbox. Click on the checkboxes of the jobs you want deleted. The checkbox in the heading of the list will select all jobs displayed. Once you have all jobs selected to delete then push the Delete Selected button. This will show a dialog asking if you are sure you want all the selected jobs deleted. Click on the Yes button and they will be removed. Any other button will cancel deleting. (This may not be the fastest way of deleting in some instances.)

  • [Delete Multiple Cards] - A quick way of deleting multiple cards is by pushing the [CTRL] key while clicking on a card. This will select the card by changing the delete button's background color to red. Do this with every card you want deleted. Click on any of the delete boxes in red to delete all the selected cards. This will show a dialog asking if you are sure you want all the selected jobs deleted. Click on the Yes button and they will be removed. Any other button will cancel deleting. If you want to unselect a card then just push the [CTRL] key while clicking on the card again. You can also unselect all jobs by pushing the [ALT] key while clicking on any card. There is also an Unselect All button on the delete dialog.

[Card Color Meanings]

Sometimes you will see the background of the panda card change colors. Each one means something different. The border of the card may change also. Obviously if you are using a theme these colors may have changed so refer to the theme documents.

  • [Cyan Color] - This is the color when the panda job is in normal mode.

  • [Darker Cyan Color] - This job is a search job. It can be a RID or GID search job.

  • [Red Color] - This means that the collecting of this job has stopped because of a limit the user has set. If the only once option is set then this color will show when one HIT is accepted. The color will fade back to the normal color in a few seconds. If you set other limits then it will stay this color until the limit restriction is no longer true.

  • [Yellow Color] - This means that a HIT has been collected and it will fade back to the normal color in a few seconds.

  • [Purple Color] - This means that you do not have the qualification to this HIT. Maybe it was revoked or you have to qualify for it first.

  • [Black Color] - You have been blocked from this HIT or requester. I haven't been able to test this but it should work.

  • [Dashed border] - This HIT has been muted so no alarms will be used. Right click on the card to unmute it.

[What About Search Jobs?]

This extension will accept search jobs but they function differently than in the older script. The search triggers on the SearchCrazy page are more powerful and easier to use. There are two types of Search Jobs allowed now.

  • [GID Search Job] - This refers to a search job that uses a group ID to find HITs on the MTURK search page.

  • [RID Search Job] - This refers to a search job that uses a requester ID to find any HITs they drop on the MTURK search page. This is the same thing as the search jobs in the original script.

  • [Search Job Collections] - Search job or triggers will now create a panda job for each HIT it finds if not created before. If the panda job is already created then it will start collecting it. This allows you full control of the HITs being collected by disabling HITs you don't want collected or changing the details for each HIT. This works fine for requesters who only drop 1 or 2 HITs at a time but when there are dozens of HITs dropped at once it can add a lot of jobs at once which may be a problem.

  • [Convert to Search Triggers] - In the details dialog modal there will be a button at the bottom to quickly move this job to searchUI page and create a search trigger. Search triggers are more powerful and is organized better on the searchUI page. But they are basically the same as search triggers anyway.

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