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last update: 02/18/2025

A port of Philip Stark's SHANGRLA framework and related code to kotlin, for the purpose of making a reusable and maintainable library.

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Table of Contents

Reference Papers

P2Z         Limiting Risk by Turning Manifest Phantoms into Evil Zombies. Banuelos and Stark. July 14, 2012

RAIRE       Risk-Limiting Audits for IRV Elections. Blom, Stucky, Teague 29 Oct 2019

SHANGRLA	Sets of Half-Average Nulls Generate Risk-Limiting Audits: SHANGRLA.	Stark, 24 Mar 2020

MoreStyle	More style, less work: card-style data decrease risk-limiting audit sample sizes. Glazer, Spertus, Stark; 6 Dec 2020

ALPHA:      Audit that Learns from Previously Hand-Audited Ballots. Stark, Jan 7, 2022

BETTING     Estimating means of bounded random variables by betting. Waudby-Smith and Ramdas, Aug 29, 2022

COBRA:      Comparison-Optimal Betting for Risk-limiting Audits. Jacob Spertus, 16 Mar 2023

ONEAudit:   Overstatement-Net-Equivalent Risk-Limiting Audit. Stark 6 Mar 2023.

STYLISH	    Stylish Risk-Limiting Audits in Practice. Glazer, Spertus, Stark  16 Sep 2023

VERIFIABLE  Publicly Verifiable RLAs. Alexander Ek, Aresh Mirzaei, Alex Ozdemir, Olivier Pereira, Philip Stark, Vanessa Teague

SHANGRLA framework

SHANGRLA is a framework for running Risk Limiting Audits (RLA) for elections. It uses statistical risk testing function that allows an audit to statistically prove that an election outcome is correct (or not) to within a risk level Ξ±. For example, a risk limit of 5% means that the election is correct with 95% probability.

It uses an assorter to assign a number to each ballot, and checks outcomes by testing half-average assertions, each of which claims that the mean of a finite list of numbers is greater than 1/2. The complementary null hypothesis is that the assorter mean is not greater than 1/2. If that hypothesis is rejected for every assertion, the audit concludes that the outcome is correct. Otherwise, the audit expands, potentially to a full hand count. If every null is tested at risk level Ξ±, this results in a risk-limiting audit with risk limit Ξ±: if the election outcome is not correct, the chance the audit will stop shy of a full hand count is at most Ξ±.

term definition
Nc the number of ballot cards validly cast in the contest
risk we want to confirm or reject the null hypothesis with risk level Ξ±.
assorter assigns a number between 0 and upper to each ballot, chosen to make assertions "half average".
assertion the mean of assorter values is > 1/2: "half-average assertion"
estimator estimates the true population mean from the sampled assorter values. (AlphaMart)
bettingFn decides how much to bet for each sample. (BettingMart)
riskTestingFn is the statistical method to test if the assertion is true.
audit iterative process of picking ballots and checking if all the assertions are true.

Assorters and supported SocialChoices


"Top k candidates are elected." The rules may allow the voter to vote for one candidate, k candidates or some other number, including n, which makes it approval voting.

See SHANGRLA, section 2.1.

A contest has K β‰₯ 1 winners and C > K candidates. Let wk be the kth winner, and β„“j be the jth loser. For each pair of winner and loser, let H_wk,β„“j be the assertion that wk is really the winner over β„“j.

There are K(C βˆ’ K) assertions. The contest can be audited to risk limit Ξ± by testing all assertions at significance level Ξ±. Each assertion is tested that the mean of the assorter values is > 1/2 (or not).

For the case when there is only one winner, there are C - 1 assertions, pairing the winner with each loser. For a two candidate election, there is only one assertion.

For the ith ballot, define A_wk,β„“j(bi) as

    assign the value β€œ1” if it has a mark for wk but not for β„“j; 
    assign the value β€œ0” if it has a mark for β„“j but not for wk;
    assign the value 1/2, otherwise.

For a Polling audit, the assorter function is this A_wk,β„“j(MVR).

For a ClCA audit, the assorter function is B(MVR, CVR) as defined below, using this A_wk,β„“j.


  • Someone has to enforce that each CVR has <= number of allowed votes.


See SHANGRLA, section 2.2.

In approval voting, voters may vote for as many candidates as they like. The top K candidates are elected.

The plurality voting algorithm is used, with K winners and C-K losers.


"Top k candidates are elected, whose percent vote is above a fraction, f."

See SHANGRLA, section 2.3.

A winning candidate must have a minimum fraction f ∈ (0, 1) of the valid votes to win. If multiple winners are allowed, each reported winner generates one assertion.

For the ith ballot, define A_wk,β„“j(bi) as

    assign the value β€œ1/(2*f)” if it has a mark for wk but no one else; 
    assign the value β€œ0” if it has a mark for exactly one candidate and not wk
    assign the value 1/2, otherwise.

For a Polling audit, the assorter function is this A_wk,β„“j(bi).

For a CLCA audit, the assorter function is B(MVR, CVR) as defined below, using this A_wk,β„“j.

One only needs one assorter for each winner, not one for each winner/loser pair.


  • "minimum fraction of the valid votes": so use V-c, not N_c as the denominator.
  • Someone has to enforce that each CVR has <= number of allowed votes.
  • multiple winners are not yet supported for auditing. TODO is that true ??
  • TODO test when there are no winners.

Instant Runoff Voting (IRV)

Also known as Ranked Choice Voting, this allows voters to rank their choices by preference. In each round, the candidate with the fewest first-preferences (among the remaining candidates) is eliminated. This continues until only one candidate is left.

We use the RAIRE java library to generate IRV assertions that fit into the SHANGRLA framewok, and makes them IRV contests amenable to risk limiting auditing, just like plurality contests.

See the RAIRE guides for details:

Missing Ballots (aka phantoms-to-evil zombies)

From Phantoms to Zombies (P2Z) paper:

A listing of the groups of ballots and the number of ballots in each group is called 
a ballot manifest.

What if the ballot manifest is not accurate?
It suffices to make worst-case assumptions about the individual randomly selected ballots 
that the audit cannot find. This ensures that the true risk limit remains smaller than 
the nominal risk limit.

The dead (not found, phantom) ballots are re-animated as evil zombies: 
We suppose that they reflect whatever would increase the P-value most: 
a 2-vote overstatement for a ballot-level comparison audit, 
or a valid vote for every loser in a ballot-polling audit.

See Missing Ballots for details.

Audit Types

Card Level Comparison Audits (CLCA)

When the election system produces an electronic record for each ballot card, known as a Cast Vote Record (CVR), then Card Level Comparison Audits can be done that compare sampled CVRs with the corresponding ballot card that has been hand audited to produce a Manual Vote Record (MVR). A CLCA typically needs many fewer sampled ballots to validate contest results than other methods.

The requirements for CLCA audits:

  • The election system must be able to generate machine-readable Cast Vote Records (CVRs) for each ballot, which is compared to the MVR during the audit.
  • Unique identifier must be assigned to each physical ballot, and put on the CVR, in order to find the physical ballot that matches the sampled CVR.
  • There must be an independently determined upper bound on the number of cast cards/ballots that contain the contest.

For the risk function, Rlaux uses the BettingMart function with the AdaptiveComparison betting function. AdaptiveComparison needs estimates of the rates of over(under)statements. If these estimates are correct, one gets optimal sample sizes. AdaptiveComparison uses a variant of ShrinkTrunkage that uses a weighted average of initial estimates (aka priors) with the actual sampled rates.

See CLCA Error Rates for estimating error rates and plots.

See CLCA Betting function for more details on BettingMart.

Polling Audits

When CVRs are not available, a Polling audit can be done instead. A Polling audit
creates an MVR for each ballot card selected for sampling, just as with a CLCA, except without the CVR.

The requirements for Polling audits:

  • There must be a BallotManifest defining the population of ballots, that contains a unique identifier that can be matched to the corresponding physical ballot.
  • There must be an independently determined upper bound on the number of cast cards/ballots that contain the contest.

For the risk function, Rlaux uses the AlphaMart function with ShrinkTrunkage, which estimates the true population mean (theta) using a weighted average of an initial estimate (eta0) with the actual sampled mean. The average assort value is used as the initial estimate (eta0) when testing each assertion. These assort values are specified in SHANGRLA, section 2. See Assorter.kt for our implementation.

A few representative plots showing the effect of d are at meanDiff plots.

  • High values of d do significantly better when the reported mean is close to the true mean.
  • When the true mean < reported mean, high d may force a full hand count unnecessarily.
  • Low values of d are much better when true mean < reported mean, at the cost of larger samples sizes.
  • Tentatively, we will use d = 100 as default, and allow the user to override.

See ALPHA testing statistic for more details and plots.

Stratified Audits using OneAudit (In Progress)

OneAudit is a CLCA audit that uses AlphaMart instead of BettingMart.

When there is a CVR, use the standard CLCA assorter. When there is no CVR, compare the MVR with the "average CVR" of the batch. This is "overstatement-net-equivalent" (aka ONE).

See OneAudit Notes for more details and plots.

Measuring Samples Needed

Here we are looking at the actual number of sample sizes needed to reject or confirm the null hypotheses, called the "samples needed". We ignore the need to estimate a batch size, as if we do "one sample at a time". This gives us a theoretical minimum. In the section Estimating Sample Batch sizes below, we deal with the need to estimate a batch size, and the extra overhead that brings.

In general samplesNeeded are independent of N, which is helpful to keep in mind

(Actually there is a slight dependence on N for "without replacement" audits when the sample size approaches N, but that case approaches a full hand audit, and isnt very interesting.)

When Card Style Data (CSD) is missing, the samplesNeeded have to be scaled by Nb / Nc, where Nb is the number of physical ballots that a contest might be on, and Nc is the number of ballots it is actually on. See Choosing which ballots/cards to sample, below.

The following plots are simulated complete workflows, averaging the results from the given number of runs.

Samples needed with no errors

The audit needing the least samples is CLCA when there are no errors in the CVRs, and no phantom ballots. In that case, the samplesNeeded depend only on the margin, and so is a smooth curve:


(click on the plot to get an interactive html plot)

For example we need exactly 1,128 samples to audit a contest with a 0.5% margin, if no errors are found. For a 10,000 vote election, thats 11.28% of the total ballots. For a 100,000 vote election, its only 1.13%.

For polling, the assort values vary, and the number of samples needed depends on the order the samples are drawn. Here we show the average and standard deviation over 250 independent trials at each reported margin, when no errors are found:


  • In a card-level comparison audit, the estimated sample size scales with 1/margin, while polling scales as the square of 1/margin.
  • The variation in polling sample sizes is about half the sample sizes, and so potentially adds a large burden to the audit.
  • When there are errors, CLCA audits also have potentially wide variance in sample sizes due to sample ordering. See Under/Over estimating CLCA sample sizes below.

Samples needed when there are errors

In these simulations, errors are created between the CVRs and the MVRs, by taking fuzzPct of the ballots and randomly changing the candidate that was voted for. When fuzzPct = 0.0, the CVRs and MVRs agree. When fuzzPct = 0.01, 1% of the contest's votes were randomly changed, and so on.

These are plots vs fuzzPct, with margin fixed at 4%:

auditsWithErrorsLinear auditsWithErrorsLogLinear

  • Sample sizes increase with fuzzPct similarly for all the audits.
  • CLCA as a percent of Nc is more sensitive to errors than polling or OneAudit.
  • Raire audits are CLCA audits using Raire assertions. These are less sensitive to random changes to the MVRs than CLCA plurality audits because the changes are less likely to change the assorter values.

Varying the percent of undervotes at margin of 4% and 2%, with errors generated with 1% fuzz:

AuditsWithUndervotesLinear AuditsWithUndervotes2Linear

  • Note that undervote percentages are shown up to 50%, with modest effect.

Effect of Phantoms on Samples needed

Varying phantom percent, up to and over the margin of 4.5%, with errors generated with 1% fuzz:


  • Increased phantoms have a strong effect on sample size.
  • All audits go to hand count when phantomPct gets close to the margin, as they should.

Having phantomPct phantoms is similar to subtracting phantomPct from the margin. In this CLCA plot we show samples needed as a function of phantomPct, and also with no phantoms but the margin shifted by phantomPct:


  • A rule of thumb is that the effect of phantoms is approximately as if the margins are reduced by phantomPct across the board. TODO: investigate a more precise characterizarion of their effect.

Estimating Sample Batch sizes

Sampling refers to choosing which ballots to hand review to create Manual Voting Records (MVRs). Once the MVRs are created, the actual audit takes place.

Audits are done in rounds. The auditors must decide how many cards/ballots they are willing to audit, since at some point its more efficient for them to do a full handcount than the more elaborate process of tracking down a subset that has been selected for the sample. Theres a tradeoff between the overall number of ballots sampled and the number of rounds, but, we would like to minimize both.

Note that in this section we are plotting nmvrs = overall number of ballots sampled, which includes the inaccuracies of the estimation. Above we have been plotting samples needed, as if we were doing "one ballot at a time" auditing.

There are two phases to sampling: estimating the sample batch sizes for each contest, and then randomly choosing ballots that contain at least that many contests.


For each contest we simulate the audit with manufactured data that has the same margin as the reported outcome, and a guess at the error rates.

For each contest assertion we run auditConfig.nsimEst (default 100) simulations and collect the distribution of samples needed to satisfy the risk limit. We then choose the (auditConfig.quantile) sample size as our estimate for that assertion, and the contest's estimated sample size is the maximum of the contest's assertion estimates.

If the simulation is accurate, the audit should succeed auditConfig.quantile fraction of the time (default 80%). Since we dont know the actual error rates, or the order that the errors will be sampled, these simulation results are just estimates.

Choosing which ballots/cards to sample

Once we have all of the contests' estimated sample sizes, we next choose which ballots/cards to sample. This step depends whether you have Card Style Data (CSD, see MoreStyle, p.2), which tells us which ballots have which contests.

For CLCA audits, the generated Cast Vote Records (CVR) comprise the CSD, as long as the CVR has the information which contests are on it, even when a contest recieves no votes. For Polling audits, the BallotManifest (may) contain BallotStyles which comprise the CSD.

If we have CSD, then Consistent Sampling is used to select the ballots to sample, otherwise Uniform Sampling is used.

Note that each round does its own sampling without regard to the previous round's results. However, since the seed remains the same, the ballot ordering is the same. We choose the lowest ordered ballots first, so previously audited MVRS are always used again in subsequent rounds for contests that continue to the next round. At each round we record both the total number of MVRs, and the number of "new samples" needed for that round.

Consistent Sampling with Card Style Data

At the start of the audit:

  • For each ballot/cvr, assign a large psuedo-random number, using a high-quality PRNG.
  • Sort the ballots/cvrs by that number

For each round:

  • For each contest, estimate the number of samples needed (contest.estSamples).
  • Select the first ballots/cvrs that use any contest that needs more samples, until all contests have at least contest.estSampleSize in the sample of selected ballots.

Uniform Sampling without Card Style Data

At the start of the audit:

  • For each ballot/cvr, assign a large psuedo-random number, using a high-quality PRNG.
  • Sort the ballots/cvrs by that number
  • Let Nb be the total number of ballots that may contain a contest, and Nc the maximum number of cards for a contest C. Then we assume that the probability of a ballot containing contest C is Nc / Nb.

For each round:

  • For each contest, estimate the number of samples needed (contest.estSamples).
  • Over all contests, compute contest.estSamples * ( Nb / Nc) and set audit.estSamples to the maximum.
  • Take the first audit.estSamples of the sorted ballots.

We need Nc as a condition of the audit, but its straightforward to estimate a contests' sample size without Nc, since it works out that Nc cancels out:

    sampleEstimate = rho / dilutedMargin                  // (SuperSimple p. 4)
      dilutedMargin = (vw - vl)/ Nc
      rho = constant

    sampleEstimate = rho * Nc / (vw - vl)
    totalEstimate = sampleEstimate * Nb / Nc               // must scale by proportion of ballots with that contest
                  = rho * Nb / (vw - vl) 
                  = rho / fullyDilutedMargin

      fullyDilutedMargin = (vw - vl)/ Nb

The scale factor Nb/Nc depends on how many contests there are and how they are distributed across the ballots. In the following plot we show averages of the overall number of ballots sampled (nmvrs), for polling audits, no style information, no errors, for Nb/Nc = 1, 2, 5 and 10.

pollingNoStyleLinear pollingNoStyleLog pollingNoStylePct

  • The percent nmvrs / Nb depends only on margin, independent of the ratio Nc/Nb
  • We need to sample more than 50% of Nb when the margin < 5%

Polling Vs CLCA with/out CSD Estimated Sample sizes

The following plot shows nmvrs for Polling vs CLCA, with and without CSD at different margins, no errors, where Nb/Nc = 2.


  • For both Polling and CLCA, the sample sizes are a factor of Nb/Nc greater without Card Style Data.

Under/Over estimating CLCA sample sizes

Overestimating sample sizes uses more hand-counted MVRs than needed. Underestimating sample sizes forces more rounds than needed. Over/under estimation is strongly influenced by over/under estimating error rates.

The following plots show approximate distribution of estimated and actual sample sizes, using our standard AdaptiveComparison betting function with weight parameter d = 100, for margin=2% and errors in the MVRs generated with 2% fuzz.

When the estimated error rates are equal to the actual error rates:


When the estimated error rates are double the actual error rates:


When the estimated error rates are half the actual error rates:


The amount of extra sampling closely follows the number of samples needed, adding around 30-70% extra work, as the following plots vs margin show:

extraVsMarginByFuzzDiffLogLinear extraVsMarginByFuzzDiffPct

The "extra samples" goes up as our guess for the error rates differ more from the actual rates. In these plots we use fuzzPct as a proxy for what the error rates might be.

In the best case, the simulation accurately estimates the distribution of audit sample sizes (fuzzDiff == 0%). But because there is so much variance in that distribution, the audit sample sizes are significantly overestimated. To emphasize this point, here are plots of average samples needed, and samples needed +/- one stddev, one for CLCA and one for polling:

clcaVarianceLogLinear pollingVarianceLogLinear

The number of rounds needed reflects the default value of auditConfig.quantile = 80%, so we expect to need a second round 20% of the time:

clcaVarianceNrounds pollingVarianceNrounds

  • We see large variance in samples needed, even when we guess the error rates correctly.
  • The variance gets larger as average samples needed gets larger.
  • One could use other algorithms to trade off extra samples vs extra rounds.

Multiple Contest Auditing

An election often consists of several or many contests, and it can be more efficient to audit all of the contests at once. We have several mechanisms for choosing contests to remove from the audit to keep the sample sizes resonable.

Before the audit begins:

  1. Any contest whose reported margin is less than auditConfig.minMargin is removed from the audit with failure code MinMargin.
  2. Any contest whose reported margin is less than its phantomPct (Np/Nc) is removed from the audit with failure code TooManyPhantoms.

For each Estimation round:

  1. Any contest whose estimated samplesNeeded exceeds auditConfig.sampleCutoff is removed from the audit with failure code FailMaxSamplesAllowed.
  2. If the total number of ballots for a multicontest audit exceeds auditConfig.sampleCutoff, the contest with the largest estimated samplesNeeded is removed from the audit with failure code FailMaxSamplesAllowed. The Consistent/Uniform sampling is then redone without that contest, and the check on the total number of ballots is repeated.

These rules are somewhat arbitrary but allow us to test audits without human intervention. In a real audit, auditors might hand select which contests to audit, interacting with the estimated samplesNeeded from the estimation stage, and try out different scenarios before committing to which contests continue on to the next round.


We assume that the cost of auditing a ballot is the same no matter how many contests are on it. So, if two contests always appear together on a ballot, then auditing the second contest is "free". If the two contests appear on the same ballot some pct of the time, then the cost is reduced by that pct. More generally the reduction in cost of a multicontest audit depends on the various percentages the contests appear on the same ballot.

Deterministic sampling order for each Contest

For any given contest, the sequence of ballots/CVRS to be used by that contest is fixed when the PRNG is chosen.

In a multi-contest audit, at each round, the estimate of the number of ballots needed for each contest is calculated = n, and the first n ballots in the contest's sequence are sampled. The total set of ballots sampled in a round is just the union of the individual contests' set. When there are duplicates, one gets some efficiency gain.

The set of contests to continue to the next round is not known, so the total set of ballots sampled at each round is unknown. Nonetheless, for each contest, the sequence of ballots seen by the algorithm is fixed.


Differences with SHANGRLA

Limit audit to estimated samples

SHANGRLA consistent_sampling() in only audits with the estimated sample size. However, in multiple contest audits, additional ballots may be in the sample because they are needed by another contest. Since theres no guarentee that the estimated sample size is large enough, theres no reason not to include all the available mvrs in the audit.

Note that as soon as an audit gets below the risk limit, the audit is considered a success (status StatRejectNull). This reflects the "anytime P-value" property of the Betting martingale (ALPHA eq 9). That is, one does not continue with the audit, which could go back above the risk limit with more samples. This does agree with how SHANGRLA works.

compute sample size

From STYLISH paper:

4.a) Pick the (cumulative) sample sizes {𝑆_𝑐} for 𝑐 ∈ C to attain by the end of this round of 
sampling. The software offers several options for picking {𝑆_𝑐}, including some based on simulation.
The desired sampling fraction 𝑓_𝑐 := 𝑆_𝑐 /𝑁_𝑐 for contest 𝑐 is the sampling probability
for each card that contains contest π‘˜, treating cards already in the sample as having sampling 
probability 1. The probability 𝑝_𝑖 that previously unsampled card 𝑖 is sampled in the next round is 
the largest of those probabilities:
  𝑝_𝑖 := max (𝑓_𝑐), 𝑐 ∈ C ∩ C𝑖, where C_𝑖 denotes the contests on card 𝑖.
4.b) Estimate the total sample size to be Sum(𝑝_𝑖), where the sum is across all cards 𝑖 except 
phantom cards.

AFAICT, the calculation of the total_size using the probabilities as described in 4.b) is only used when you just want the total_size estimate, but not do the consistent sampling, which already gives you the total sample size.

generation of phantoms

From STYLISH paper:

2.c) If the upper bound on the number of cards that contain any contest is greater than the 
number of CVRs that contain the contest, create a corresponding set of β€œphantom” CVRs as 
described in section 3.4 of [St20]. The phantom CVRs are generated separately for each contest: 
each phantom card contains only one contest.

SHANGRLA.make_phantoms() instead generates max(Np_c) phantoms, then for each contest adds it to the first Np_c phantoms. Im guessing STYLISH is trying to describe the easist possible algorithm.

2.d) If the upper bound 𝑁_𝑐 on the number of cards that contain contest 𝑐 is greater than the 
number of physical cards whose locations are known, create enough β€œphantom” cards to make up 
the difference. 

Not clear what this means, and how its different from 2.c.

estimate CLCA error rates

SHANGRLA has guesses for p1,p2,p3,p4. We can use that method (strategy.apriori), and we can also use strategy.fuzzPct, which guesses a percent of contests to randomly change ("fuzzPct"), and use it to simulate errors (by number of candidates) in a contest. That and other strategies are described in CLCA error rates and we are still exploring which strategy works best.

use of previous round's sampled_cvr_indices

At first glance, it appears that SHANGRLA CVR.consistent_sampling() might make use of the previous round's selected ballots (sampled_cvr_indices). However, it looks like CVR.consistent_sampling() never uses sampled_cvr_indices, and so uses the same strategy as we do, namely sampling without regards to the previous rounds.

Its possible that the code is wrong when sampled_cvr_indices is passed in, since the sampling doesnt just use the first n sorted samples, which the code seems to assume. But I think the question is moot.

Other Notes

Development Notes


Risk Limiting Audits






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