Joanna Broniarek
The goal of this repository was to provide an analysis for Kaggle's competition:
My best score on the Kaggle Leaderboard: 0.11329
EDA and Data tidying:
- Removing columns that contain the same value in 100% ["Street", "Utilities"]
- Removing outliers : GrLivArea more than 4500.
- Improving values like Year more than 2017.
- Handling missing numerical values:
- LotFrontage according to median in specific Neighborhood
- With constant = 0 for : ['BsmtFinSF1', 'BsmtFinSF2', 'BsmtFullBath', 'BsmtHalfBath', "MasVnrArea"]
- The rest of numerical columns (apart from point 5) with median.
- Transformation of some numerical features that are actually categorical: ['MSSubClass', 'OverallCond’]
- Handling missing categorical values. (specific for each feature)
- Transformation of skewed features:
- SalePrice – log transformation
- Other features with skeweness > 0.5 using BoxCox transformation
- Transformation some categorical features (with specific order) into numerical
Feature Engineering:
- Feature Isgarage defined according to feature GarageArea (1 – if more than 0)
- Feature Isfireplace defined according to feature Fireplaces (if more than 0)
- Feature Ispool defined according to feature PoolArea (if more than 0)
- Feature Issecondfloor defined according to feature 2ndFlrSF (if more than 0)
- Feature IsOpenPorch defined according to feature OpenPorchSF (if more than 0)
- Feature IsWoodDeck defined according to feature WoodDeckSF (if more than 0)
- Feature TotalSqrtFeet defined as sum of GrLivArea and TotalBsmtSF
- Feature TotalBaths defined as BsmtFullBath + FullBath + BsmtHalfBath/2 + HalfBath/2.
- Feature Neighborhood (transformation into 0, 1, 2) according to statistics if specific Neighborhood is rather rich/poor or between them.
- One-Hot Encoding for categorical data
Scaling - RobustScaler
- Linear Regression
- LASSO model selection
- GradientBoostingRegressor
- XGBRegressor
- ElasticNet
- LGBMRegressor
- BaggingRegressor
- StackingCVRegressor on models: [Lasso, ElasticNet, XGB, LGBM]
- Weighted predictions 0.2ElasticNet + 0.25lasso + 0.15LGBM + 0.4StackedModels
- python 3.6.4
- numpy 1.14.2
- scipy 1.1.0rc1
- seaborn 0.9.0
- sklearn 0.20.1
- pandas 0.22.0
- sklearn 0.20.1
- xgboost 0.72
- lightgbm 2.2.2