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Vortex is a strongly-typed declarative programming language for graph databases.

Language Spec

Vortex supports Vertex and Edge connected by Relations.


A Schema defines a vertex. It can be compared with struct in other programming languages. Schemas consists of attributes which are strongly-typed.

This is how a schema named Person can be defined.

Schema Person {
    name string
    age  int

The type of an attribute can be one of the defined base types. Right now, it only supports string, int and bool.

The names can be composed of unicode letters. Each attribute has to be defined in a newline or separated by spaces.


A Vertex is initialized from a Schema. It can be thought of as an object or instance of a class in other programming languages.

Vertex Jintu Person {
    .name = "Jintu"
    .age  = 20

A vertex uses the . identifier followed by the attribute name and a literal of the corrosponding type.


An Edge is a link between two Vertexs. It does not have its own properties (yet) but connects vertices unidirectionally (OneWay) or bidirectionally (TwoWay).

An Edge can be created from one of the predefined base edge. The base edges is like a schema but does not hold any attributes.

Edge LivesIn OneWay

This creates a new edge LivesIn that is unidirectional from left to right.

The syntax is left simple with extensibility in mind. The obvious addition is to allow attributes in edges just like vertices.


A relation binds two Vertexs with an Edge. If the edge type is OneWay, the relation is applied left to right.

Assuming India exist as a Vertex, you can write this:

Relation LivesIn {
    Jintu India


The combination of these entities gives you super-power to write complex graph queries very intuitively. Let's see a few examples of what we can do with it.

Find all Person who have a one degree friend

Query Person {
    []FriendsWith Person

Find all Person named "John" who have a mutual friend

A Vertex can be aliased for referencing later. This allows defining recursive relations.

Query Person as A { 
   .name = 'John'
   and []FriendsWith Person {
       FriendsWith A

Find all Person whose salary is strictly greater than all their friends' salary combined.

() nodes matches with any vertex and []() matches with any edge.

Query Person as A { 
   Sum([]FriendsWith Person {
       []() ()
   }, .salary) < .salary

A subquery has its own scope. The .salary inside sum is scoped to the inner Person and the other .salary is scoped to the Person alised as A.

You can be explicit about it with A.salary though.

Try to figure out the query below

Query Sum(Person as A {
    .name = "Hi"
    or (StartsWith(.name, 'H') and .age > 10)
    and [1..2]LivesIn () {
        [..]Within Country {
            and []Within Continent
    and Sum([]FriendsWith Person {
        []LivesIn () {
            []Within Country{.name="USA"}
    }, .salary) < .salary
}, .age)

The [..] syntax states that the edge can be there any number of times, including zero. The default [] evaluates to [1] to make the edge appear strictly once.