Releases: JimmXinu/FanFicFare
FanFicFare v4.43.0
Installation instructions:
Calibre Plugin:
Install attached plugin zip file, or use Calibre's 'Get plugins' feature.
Command line interface:
FanFicFare is delivered as a pip
Python package.
pip install FanFicFare
pip install --upgrade FanFicFare update.
(pip will automatically install dependencies.)
Run fanficfare -h
from command-line.
- base_xenforoforum: Add details_spoiler option for #1165
- Add [base_otw] with use_basic_cache:true to defaults.ini
- BrowserCache: Better handle cache file changing/failing while reading.
- Fix for BrowserCache for images--cache partitioned by parent(story) page.
- base_otw_adapter: Detect & report 'This site is in beta' page
- AO3: Double default slow_down_sleep_time
- For adapter_mcstoriescom: Remove /../ from Get Story URLs from web page
- adapter_mcstoriescom: Suppress site URLs that look like stories but aren't. #1160
- adapter_fanfictionnet: Attempt chapter from m. (vs www) when chapter not found
- adapter_literotica: Get more story urls. #1159 Thanks, dbhmw
- Add include_tocpage:always option.
- adapter_fimfictionnet: Further cover fix
- adapter_fimfictionnet: Fix cover images and use data-source attr for img src.
- adapter_storiesonlinenet: Remove some code that broke parsing when 'author' was in the title.
- adapter_literotica: http->https
- adapter_literotica: Site changes for non-www domains.
- Make plugin use own copy of six only--including in Smarten Punc
- adapter_fictionlive: fix bounds check in vote accumulaton. resolves #1154, Thanks HazelSh
- Make plugin use own copy of six only.
FanFicFare v4.42.0
Installation instructions:
Calibre Plugin:
Install attached plugin zip file, or use Calibre's 'Get plugins' feature.
Command line interface:
FanFicFare is delivered as a pip
Python package.
pip install FanFicFare
pip install --upgrade FanFicFare update.
(pip will automatically install dependencies.)
Run fanficfare -h
from command-line.
- Update Translations
- adapter_fanfictalkcom: Update domain name & match pattern
- Remove site:, moved to, not eFiction. Nobody's missed it.
- Remove site: - Blog only now, no stories.
- Remove site: - Domain parked somewhere sketchy
- Remove site: - Moved to AO3
- adapter_wwwaneroticstorycom: Update for site changes.
- Re-alphabetize defaults.ini
- Browser Simple Cache adding orig resp time field & removing browser_cache_simple_header_old option. Fixes Browser Cache failing with Chrome on Mac & Linux.
- Strip out unused parts of requests_toolbelt to avoid dependency issues. #1145
- Add no_image_processing_regexp option for #1144
- adapter_fictionmaniatv: Change to https
FanFicFare v4.41.0
Installation instructions:
Calibre Plugin:
Install attached plugin zip file, or use Calibre's 'Get plugins' feature.
Command line interface:
FanFicFare is delivered as a pip
Python package.
pip install FanFicFare
pip install --upgrade FanFicFare update.
(pip will automatically install dependencies.)
Run fanficfare -h
from command-line.
- Update Translations
- New Site: (#1136) Thanks xxwhirlpool
- New Site: (#1136) Thanks xxwhirlpool
- XenForo lazyload: use data-src first if data-url also present. QQ proxy in data-src caches/bypasses some issues
- adapter_inkbunnynet: Implemented always_login, thanks dbhmw
- Small fixes for Wattpad. (#1137), thanks dbhmw
- adapter_fimfictionnet: Implement always_login. Remove unused fail_on_password & do_update_hook settings. #1135
- Call Calibre's safe_open_url for open_pages_in_browser
- Add subject_tags to -m/j CLI output
- Fix for double replace_metadata when non-list metadata called by getList().
FanFicFare v4.40.0
Installation instructions:
Calibre Plugin:
Install attached plugin zip file, or use Calibre's 'Get plugins' feature.
Command line interface:
FanFicFare is delivered as a pip
Python package.
pip install FanFicFare
pip install --upgrade FanFicFare update.
(pip will automatically install dependencies.)
Run fanficfare -h
from command-line.
- Update Translations
- Fix for D/L from URL Mode Menu actions not honoring changed update mode in dialog.
- Add error_dialog for email fetch failure about 2FA/outlook etc.
- adapter_ficbooknet: Another site update, thanks dbhmw #1125
- adapter_ficbooknet: Fixes for site changes, thanks dbhmw
- adapter_inkbunnynet: Add login for Get URLs from Page (#1119), thanks dbhmw
- adapter_syosetucom: Fix for site changes, thanks praschke
- Change decode_emails default to true.
- adapter_deviantartcom: Site changes, new chapter text tag. See #1118
FanFicFare v4.39.0
Installation instructions:
Calibre Plugin:
Install attached plugin zip file, or use Calibre's 'Get plugins' feature.
Command line interface:
FanFicFare is delivered as a pip
Python package.
pip install FanFicFare
pip install --upgrade FanFicFare update.
(pip will automatically install dependencies.)
Run fanficfare -h
from command-line.
- Better error when utf8FromSoup called with None.
- adapter_asianfanficscom: Add Is adult toggle call, use_cloudscraper:true in defaults.ini
- Fix(es) for get_url_search not found when seriesUrl doesn't match an adapter site.
- Fix for regression when browser_cache_simple_header_old added. #1104
- Add decode_emails option, defaults to false.
FanFicFare v4.38.0
Installation instructions:
Calibre Plugin:
Install attached plugin zip file, or use Calibre's 'Get plugins' feature.
Command line interface:
FanFicFare is delivered as a pip
Python package.
pip install FanFicFare
pip install --upgrade FanFicFare update.
(pip will automatically install dependencies.)
Run fanficfare -h
from command-line.
- Chrome Simple Browser Cache extra field fix (Mac/Linux)
- adapter_scribblehubcom: Allow for changing title in story URL.
- Update (#1095) Fix update retrieval for series not completed, thanks dado330
- Make CLI username prompt more visible
- Update translations
FanFicFare v4.37.0
Installation instructions:
Calibre Plugin:
Install attached plugin zip file, or use Calibre's 'Get plugins' feature.
Command line interface:
FanFicFare is delivered as a pip
Python package.
pip install FanFicFare
pip install --upgrade FanFicFare update.
(pip will automatically install dependencies.)
Run fanficfare -h
from command-line.
- Fix for paginated AO3 series, closes #1091
- Allow story URLs w/o title and search calibre w/o title
- Use titlepage_entry for titlepage_wide_entry unless explicitly set.
- adapter_storiesonlinenet: Fix for chapter select getting cover image link.
- adapter_storiesonlinenet: Remove ''s Page' to '.s Page'
- Full OTW settings for in defaults.ini
- Update translations
FanFicFare v4.36.0
Installation instructions:
Calibre Plugin:
Install attached plugin zip file, or use Calibre's 'Get plugins' feature.
Command line interface:
FanFicFare is delivered as a pip
Python package.
pip install FanFicFare
pip install --upgrade FanFicFare update.
(pip will automatically install dependencies.)
Run fanficfare -h
from command-line.
- Built-in Event For Action Chains plugin
- Catch bad href searches during internal link anchor search.
- adapter_spiritfanfictioncom: use_basic_cache:true
- adapter_spiritfanfictioncom: Cheesy fix for py2 not knowing %z in dates.
- New Site: Portuguese language site (#1078) thanks kilandra
- XF2: SB/SV changed the header for thread_status
- adapter_ficbooknet: adapter_ficbooknet: Better fixes for py2 from dbhmw
- adapter_ficbooknet: Fix breakage for proxies & add covers #1077 - #1076, thanks dbhmw
FanFicFare v4.35.0
Installation instructions:
Calibre Plugin:
Install attached plugin zip file, or use Calibre's 'Get plugins' feature.
Command line interface:
FanFicFare is delivered as a pip
Python package.
pip install FanFicFare
pip install --upgrade FanFicFare update.
(pip will automatically install dependencies.)
Run fanficfare -h
from command-line.
- Add download_finished_signal for Action Chains #1073
- New Site: thanks dbhmw (#1071)
- adapter_wattpadcom: Improve error reporting when story not found / connection refused.
- base_xenforo2 better detect whether logged in.
- adapter_deviantartcom: Streamline login vs watchers vs mature See #1070
- adapter_inkbunny: Fix author & category thanks dbhmw (#1069)
- base_xenforo2forum: Prefix tag collecting too much.
- datetime.utcnow() deprecated in more recent py3 versions
- Skip invalid images, detect img types thanks dbhmw (#1068)
- Fix for WebToEpub firefox cache key changing
- QQ: Doesn't need reader_posts_per_page:30 anymore
- adapter_forumquestionablequestingcom:Switch to BaseXenForo2ForumAdapter
- adapter_ficbooknet: Remove py3 string handling that breaks on py2
- Update bundled certifi cacert.pem and version, not
FanFicFare v4.34.1
Calibre Plugin Only Point Release for Older Calibre versions.
Installation instructions:
Calibre Plugin:
Install attached plugin zip file, or use Calibre's 'Get plugins' feature.
Command line interface:
FanFicFare is delivered as a pip
Python package.
pip install FanFicFare
pip install --upgrade FanFicFare update.
(pip will automatically install dependencies.)
Run fanficfare -h
from command-line.
- adapter_ficbooknet: Remove py3 string handling that breaks on py2
- Update bundled certifi cacert.pem and version