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Game manual for Hax

In-game help menu

Global commands
quit - Quit this level
save - Save level
load - Load level

Level specific commands
action - Each character performs a random action
focus - Select a character to perform actions: focus <character>
help - Show a list of available commands
info - Show current status of this level
kill - Kill a character: kill <character>
spawn - Spawn a random character

Character specific commands
These commands can be executed by either entering "<character> <command> <argument>", or first focusing a character and then omitting the character name, i.e. "focus <character>" and then "<command> <argument>".

buy - Buy object from a shop: buy <object>
cd - Change curent container: cd <container>, cd # to return home
drop - Drop an object: drop <object>
fight - Fight another character to the death: fight <character>
go - Go to another area: go <direction>
inv - Show objects in all containers
ls - Show objects in current container
mv - Move object from somewhere to somewhere: mv <object><source><destination>
pu - Pick up an object: pick up <object>
rest - Rest to regain HP, MP and stamina
sell - Sell object to a shop: sell <object>
stats - Show the stats of the character
view - Show the characters: objects and routes in current area

Coin values

The game currency is called h@x.

  • Neodymium = 1000
  • Cesium = 500
  • Platinum = 100
  • Gold = 50
  • Silver = 20
  • Copper = 10
  • Iron = 5
  • Nickel = 1

Actions which require stamina

Action --------------- Cost

run past road blocks ---- 2
fight (each attack) ------- 1
flee from battle ----------- 5
break something -------- 10
jump across ledge ------ 5