c-store is a column-related database coding in c language.
ubuntu 12.04 (32bit)
ubuntu 10.04/12.04/13.04/14.04 (32bit)
1.Put the <orders.tbl> into the current directory.
2.Put the <customer.tbl> into the current directory.
change directory to the project directory
1.Enter the directory in the terminal.
2.Enter [make] to compile and link the program.
3.Enter [./bin/db help] to view cstore command.
4.Enter [./bin/db load orders] to load orders.
5.Enter [./bin/db load customer] to load customer.
6.Enter [./bin/db retrieve orders] to retrieve orders.
7.Enter [./bin/db compress orders 1] to compress the first column of orders.
8.Enter [./bin/db join] to join the orders and customer.
9.Enter [./bin/db count] to count orders.
10.Enter [make clean] to remove .o file and executable files.