This an attempt at building the a 3 worker and 3 controller environment based on, using Terraform and Ansible
update "credentials" and "project"
cd infrastructure
terraform plan
terraform apply
Use python script in bootstrap_hosts to initialise the Ansible host file
cd .. && python --tf_state infrastructure/terraform.tfstate --ansible_inv ./inventories/production/hosts.yaml --ssh_dir ./ssh_keys --json_v roles/configGeneration/files/
Use host file to setup bastion server and deploy other components from there
ansible-playbook bootstrap-automation-serv.yml --inventory=inventories
SSH into bastion server
ssh -i ssh_keys/bastion bastion@<ip>
cd /automation
ansible-playbook tlscertGenAndTransfer.yml --inventory=inventories
ansible-playbook configure-cluster.yml --inventory=inventories