Easiest way to tag and find your Git repositories!
You can find the Demo live here: Git Topics
On Git Topics you're able to:
- See your repositories and starred repositories
- Add topics to your reporitories (under construction)
- Edit topics from your repositories (under construction)
- Delete the topics (under construction)
Make sure you're logged in using your GitHub account to see your repositories.
Some cool dependences used:
Dependencies | But, what they do? |
Auth0 | Authentication and authorization made easy! |
Axios | Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js. |
React Bootstrap | Quick design and customizable components. |
Cross-env | Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms (finished) |
Eslint | Pluggable and configurable linter tool for JavaScript. |
Prettier | Code formatter that enforces a consistent style. |
React Router Dom | Declarative Routing for React.js. |
React Lottie | Brings After Effects animations in real time for React.js. |
Some of thoses depencencies are open souce, make sure to have a look on then by clicking on it's name :)
Dillinger requires Node.js v14.15.0 to run. If you don't have this node version on your machine, make sure to use NVM or another version manager for node.js.
Install the dependencies and start the server.
cd git-topic
Before Run Git Topics on your machine you must create a .Env file with you Auth0 tokens.
touch .env
Now that you created the file, you need to fill it with your Auth0 tokens:
REACT_APP_AUTH0_DOMAIN=' {insert your Domain token here} '
REACT_APP_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=' {insert your Client ID here} '
To Run Git Topics on your Browser, you just need to run the comand bellow:
yarn start-dev
Note: The
cross-env PORT=4040
is required for running in development, so please don't use just theyarn start
Verify the deployment by navigating to your server address in your preferred browser.
Want to make changes?
Git Topics uses some scripts for practicality. Make a change in your file and run thoses on your favorite Terminal to make sure it's everything okay!
yarn lint
yarn lint:fix
Code format:
yarn format
Happy Codding :)