🔭 I’m currently working at Asaas
✨ I’m looking to collaborate more on open source projects!
💬 Ask me about games, coffee, analog photography and food🧁
📫 You can reach me in jheyvilvok@gmail.com
🔭 I’m currently working at Asaas
✨ I’m looking to collaborate more on open source projects!
💬 Ask me about games, coffee, analog photography and food🧁
📫 You can reach me in jheyvilvok@gmail.com
Learned how to make my first transactions on Avalanche blockchain by following the Figment tutorial below:
Forked from catarinas-udesc/Hacktoberfest-2019
Repositório livre para alunos da UDESC, tem o intuito de fornecer, através dos PRs enviados, alguns códigos de uso comum que podem ser úteis durante a graduação.
Forked from cs50/python-cs50
This is CS50's library for Python.