The aim is to analyze and construct a data mining project using public Reddit comments from May 2015.The dataset can be found here.
The task is to study the dataset and prepare a proposal of what knowledge you plan to extract from this dataset using a data-minng technique. The proposal must then be implemented along with a report of the analysis, techniques, methodology, evaluation and results.
The approach here is to find communities within and across subreddits.
You will first need to do the following
git clone
Download the dataset from the link above
Create a folder redditComm/subreddit_dumps and move database.sqlite there
Create a folder redditComm/subreddit_dumps/json
To extract and convert the entire dataset to a castra file
You will need to do the following. Warning This will generation 20+GB of files to redditComm/subreddit_dumps/json Each file is a json object of an entire subreddit. It is hacky but it is necessary to first extract the entire sqlite db, merge the subreddits into one file then convert it to a castra. The reason for this is that the db can't fit in memory (unless you have 30GB of ram lying around) and so it's not possible to extract it all in one query. It's implemented using the multiprocessing module from python.
Now, the query will hang at 36,025 out of 50,138 subreddits. Not sure exactly why this happens but the entire process takes a few hours before it hangs, always at the same subreddit 'zzzz' and the same number of files, 36,025. So guess what? More hacky workarounds. The script accepts the list of subreddits as an argument, just the name of the file without the extension. On the first run call the script from redditComm/utils
python subreddit_list
Go drink some coffee and read a book. When the script hangs, close the terminal and then from the same folder as before run:
This will look in the folder where we are dumping the subreddits, check the contents and compares it the master list of subreddits to see what's missing. It generates a new json list for us to continue from. Now go and run the extract again, this time passing the newly generated file as the argument. Both these files are in the repo so you don't need to run the salvage module but it's there redditComm/utils if you need it.
python unprocessed_list
Update It fails a few times, there might be an issue with the multiprocessing pool running into some overhead somewhere. Run extract again if it fails and repeat the process above.
You can delete the files in redditComm/subreddit_dumps/json and the merged json file when the script completes.
If you want to extract a given subreddit for use elsewhere then from within the redditComm/utils do
python subreddit_name output_format
Currently the argument accepts json or pickle and any subreddit can be extracted. Output goes to
python nba json
You need to be under Linux to run this, you can do it in Windows but setting up the required packages won't be covered here.
You should have python pip already installed. Create a virtual environment by opening a terminal and doing
pip install virtualenv
cd redditComm
virtualenv venv
To begin using the virtual environment, it needs to be activated
source venv/bin/activate
Before you install requirements.txt you may need to do
sudo apt-get install libpng-dev libfreetype6-dev graphviz libhdf5-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran
cd .. *up to the root folder of the repo*
pip install -r requirements.txt
You may need to do pip install dask[complete]
Okay so we should be good to go. Create your scripts and add them to redditComm/modules. Follow the structure of the existing files. Import modules to, create a method and load a function of your module there. Call the created method to run at start.
Run with