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Releases: JessicaTegner/pypandoc

Latest Development Version

27 Feb 15:56
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pypandoc v1.13 - It's time for arm

16 Feb 09:03
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Below is the big changes for pypandoc v1.13. As always, rleeases for pypandoc and pypandoc_binary can be downloaded from pypi.

  • Change when we do source file verification (#344)
  • pass path to _get_pandoc_version() on windows correctly (#345)
  • Updated CI to produce arm builds off pypandoc_binary (#356)
  • Updated docker file to use python 3.12x, and therefore fixed python c… (#357)
  • Removed support for python 3.6 in CI environment
  • Other various small CI/CD improvements and workflow maintenance

Another fun thing, is that this time, is the first in pypandoc history, that we share the minor version with "pandoc", funny how things work out some times.

PyPandoc v1.10 - Linux gets a facelift

28 Oct 17:57
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This release includes the new prebuild wheels for linux with pandoc included.
We also now support a new variant of linux "aarch".
In addition, we now also have a development version, build from the latest sourse code.

        * Added "aarch" type check #303                                                                             
        * ci: Use cibuildwheel to build wheels #309                                                                 
        * Sort files before proc fixes #292 #301                                                                    
        * refact: use fstring in #307                                                            
        * Updated pandoc-citeproc handling after downloading #311                                                   
        * Fixes test cases that uses python, while only python3 is available: Fixes #276 #302                       

PyPandoc v1.9

27 Sep 11:26
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This release fixes a critical error where pandoc couldn't be download…
…ed from the GitHub releases, due to a change in how GitHub loads their release page.

Other than that, there's some improvements to how we test pypandoc in the future.

PyPandoc v1.8 Python3 and enhancements

10 May 21:34
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Time for another release of PyPandoc.
Most notable, from this release onwards python2 support has been dropped.
In addition, it's now possible to pass multiple files to convert. Under the hood, there's also been multiple improvements.
Lastly, deprecated code for 1.8 has been removed.


  • Removed Unnecessary files included with pip install (#274)
  • Handle pandoc logging returning two unknown log levels (#272)
  • Fixed #269 - classify_pandoc_logging improvements
  • REL: Officially drop python2.7 support (#263)
  • Made it possible to pass multiple files to pandoc (#259)
  • Python Type Hints implementation (#258)
  • Removed deprecated code (#257)

PyPandoc v1.7.0 - A more secure and faster PyPandoc

14 Dec 16:46
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This release of PyPandoc enables the new sandbox mode of pandoc >= 2.…
…15 by default. This can be toggled and has no effect on pandoc versions < 2.15. In addition this release also adds an option to verify from and to formats before converting, reducing the calls to pandoc.

Two new utility functions has also been added (ensure_pandoc_minimal_version and ensure_pandoc_maximal_version), to check the major and minor version of the pandoc currently being used.
In addition, the old convert() function, has been set to be removed in the next major release of PyPandoc (1.8)
Other than that, a few bug fixes here and there.

v 1.6.3

06 Jul 17:55
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This is the first release after I took maintainership of PyPandoc

This release includes the following:

  • Updated the CI configuration #223
  • #195 Fix #189: bug with download_pandoc() affecting Windows.
  • #222 Fix #189 by changing the way the path to the installer is constructed
  • #217 Prevent new console window being created on Windows

To use newer versions of Pandoc (e.g. above 2.10), which means the versions without citeproc included, you'll need to update to this version.

Version 1.5

13 Apr 00:41
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  • The download_pandoc() function has now a quiet, delete_installer, and download_folder argument
  • There is a new ensure_pandoc_installed(quiet=False) function
  • Allow file:// based URLs as input file names (pandoc allows this at least on linux)
  • Bug fixes