This repository provides the code and Obstacle-Avoidance (OA) datasets from the BSc Project Differential Siamese Network for the Avoidance of Moving Obstacles. The project tackles the problem of avoiding moving obstacles using only a monocular RGB camera. It uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) to retrieve information from the images, where its base architecture is taken from another paper by Khan and Parker ("Vision based indoor obstacle avoidance using a deep convolutional neural network"). The architecture is modified slightly, is part of the DSN and also acts as a baseline when evaluating the DSN. Its architecture is visualized below.
This README contains a brief overview of the project and how to run important code. For a more thorough explanation, please read the thesis. All experiments are conducted in a simulated environment, namely CoppeliaSim. This software is required if you want to run any of the code, with the exception of training the CNN. Demos of the DSN and baseline can be viewed here.
The Differential Siamese Network (DSN) is the main contribution. It tries to predict the current image on the basis of an earlier viewed image. To define which images are used, we denote DSN-n, where n indicates how many images the DSN looks in the past. So if we have images s, t, v and w which occur sequentially (least to most present, w is the current image), then DSN-2 takes image t.
The DSN-architecture is visualized below (specifically DSN-1), with all four of its components. Here, the bold arrows are the in- and output of the DSN, while the dotted arrows describe actions which occur after an iteration.
The code to configure the DSN can be found in
, while the implementation of the DSN itself can be found here /DSN/
Here, an overview is given of all included files. Note that some scripts/code contain absolute/relative paths, so they might not be up to date with the repository. Change the paths manually when necessary. Thereby, some files need to be moved into different directories in order to run, see what files are imported for each python script.
Directory | Description |
config | .ini -files for configuring the DSN and connecting to CoppeliaSim. |
coppelia_sim | Self-written CoppeliaSim API and .lua -code for robot/objects. Scenes can be downloaded here. |
datasets | Classes selected for the OIDv6 subset. OA-datasets can be downloaded here. |
DSN | DSN-class and code to configure the DSN. |
experiments | Code for the two conducted experiments. |
models | Baseline-class, all model architectures, code to train the model. Weights can be downloaded here. |
The models are trained on Obstacle Avoidance (OA) images with the classes: Backwards, Left, Right and Straight. The CNN its output is in the same order as mentioned here.
In order to use the baseline model, import /models/
and create a new instance of the Baseline class. Then:
model = Baseline(CNN_filename) #create instance of baseline
next_command = model.determine_command(img)
Similarly, to use the DSN, import /DSN/
and create a new instance of the DSN class.
model = DSN(CNN_filename, DSN_variant, transformations, tau, resolution) #create instance of DSN
next_command = model.determine_command(img)
Here, CNN_filename
is the location where the weights are stored and img
is a numpy array with shape (1, resolution_y, resolution_x, 3)
. Specifically for the DSN, DSN_variant
contains n, transformations
describes how every image transformation (zoom/shift) needs to be applied, tau
is a parameter specific for the Command Vector and at lastly resolution
denotes the resolution (both X and Y) of the input image.
The weights of the models can be downloaded here. It is also possible to train a fresh CNN with the files in /models/modified/train_model/
. Here, for every dataset a script is written with which you can train the model from scratch.
But before you can use the DSN, it has to be configured to be able to construct realistic predictions. As earlier mentioned, the file which handles the configuration can be found in /DSN/
. Then, an .ini
-file must be provided which defines the speed of the left and right motor for every command (Backwards, Left, Right, Straight). This file can be found here /config/commands.ini
. The order of defining the commands is important, do not change this.
Now, with the use of a CoppeliaSim API, a small configuration run will be executed and the results will be written to a new .ini
-file named DSN.ini
. To run the program, use the following command:
python3 [iter] [DSN-variant] [tau]
indicates how many runs will be executed for every command, the higher the number the more accurate it will be. 3 or 5 is sufficient. The configuration makes use of AKAZE for feature point detection.
An API has been written to connect the DSN/baseline to the CoppeliaSim simulator. This API can be found here: coppelia_sim/
. It contains functions for the DSN configuration (check_startup_sim
and stop_simulation
), manually closing the connection with the simulator (exit_API
) and provides and interface with CoppeliaSim. Here is a small example:
CS = CoppeliaSim(address, port) #initialize and start the connection
CS.get_handles(motors, sensor) #initialize the handles for motors/sensors
while True:
img = CS.get_image() #get image from robot
#do something with image
CS.set_velocity(v_left_motor, v_right_motor) #set velocity for left and right motor
Moreover, the API requires three files, namely
, which have to be in the same directory as the API itself. Additionally, /config/coppelia_sim.ini
contains the information about the address and port, along with the handles for various components of the robot and more. This file needs to be changed according to your own robots and the installment of CoppeliaSim.
At last, .lua
-code has been provided with which moving obstacles (/coppelia_sim/scripts/moving_obstacle.lua
) and an OA-dataset (/coppelia_sim/scripts/pioneer.lua
) can be created.
The CIFAR-100 dataset is downloaded via Tensorflow.
For the OIDv6-dataset, not all classes are trained upon. Only the classes that are related to an office, urban and/or household environment are selected. See datasets/overview_OIDv6.csv
for the list of all selected classes, along with some statistics as to how many images are present in the training/validation/test set.
Lastly, the OA-datasets are created in CoppeliaSim using the .lua
scripts (provided in coppelia_sim/
). The datasets and scenes can be downloaded from the following links: datasets and scenes.
In case you want to use the code and/or OA-datasets in your own work, please view this website for the citation details.