Implementation of object pooling for Game Maker Studio 2. Works only for GMS2.3+.
First, import Pooling_Objects.yymps to your project. Now put the object "obj_pooling_objects" on the first room of the game.
Retuns: instance_id. Instance of the object obj_index.
Name | Datatype |
obj_index | object asset index |
Will try to get a previous deactivated instance of this object. Case it fails will instantiate a new instance of the object.
pooling_objects_deactive_instance(instance = self)
Returns: N/A.
Name | Datatype | Purpose |
instance | instance_id | The instance that will be deactivated. Self as default. |
Deactivate an instance. Can be activated again with pooling_objects_get_instance.
Deactivate an instance created without the pooling_objects_get_instance will result in a crash.
Returns: N/A
Name | Datatype | Purpose |
callback | method/function | The function the instance will call when getting back from the pool. |
By default, when getting an instance from the pool, it will perform its own create event again. Use this to change that, creating a new "create event" for this instance.
You can also download the project and see the example and see how you can use this lib.
Written with StackEdit.