This is a web application project developed for the Database Management course (CS262) by our group during the 4th semester of B.Tech. The application is designed to manage the operations regrading food delivery, providing account creation of user, order details for customers, Resturant details with menus and admin ui.The application is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the Front-end and MySQL ,PHP and XAMPP for Back-end.
- JavaScript
- Apache
- install Xampp in your machine.
- After installation of Xampp , start Apache and MYSQl in Xampp (if MYSQl is already install in your machine ,then you have to first stop that MYSQL.)
Process to stop MYSQL:-
i) Window + r -> Run
ii) click stop Button.
- Placed download file in directory of Xampp file.
- Last , Run your project at localhost in a any Browser.
- HomePage
- Admin Panel
- Dashboard
- Shriram Ashok Birajdar
- Jayesh chak
- Aditya kumar
- Akash kumar saw