Plugin Name: Is Version Controlled
Plugin URI:
Author: Jerry Wood Jr.
Version: 0.1.1
Author URI:
This is a WordPress plugin designed for developers and agencies that just hate those calls of "Oops I updated the plugin" which we all know too well. The intent behind this plugin is to block those updates to themes/plugins, and update notifications from within the WordPress admin.
I tried to make this as easy as possible from a developer standpoint, so I've included some filters that fill the basic needs. If you don't see something that you think should be here then by all means make a pull request.
Use this filter to remove plugins. Notice that plugins require <folder>/<file>.php
function test_plugins( $plugins ) {
$plugins[] = 'akismet/akismet.php';
return $plugins;
add_filter( 'ivc_plugins', 'test_plugins' );
You can use this filter to remove specific themes from update checks. Notice this only requires the theme slug ( usually the folder name ).
function test( $themes ) {
$themes[] = 'twentyfifteen';
return $themes;
add_filter( 'ivc_themes', 'test' );
If you would like a different message string instead of the default on the plugins list page, you can use this.
* Overwrites the default message for Version Control
* @param string $message The Default Message
* @param string $plugin_file The filepath to the plugin, ie. akismet/akismet.php
* @param array $plugin_data Plugin data array, such as version, name, etc....
function overwrite_message( $message, $plugin_file, $plugin_data ) {
return 'Do not touch my plugin!';
add_filter( 'ivc_message_string', 'overwrite_message', 10, 3 );
- Remove download button from theme update details link.
- More?
- Removes the Plugin Update button from the popover
- Two new filters
to prevent plugins from contacting altogether. - Bring back the update toolbar if non-private plugin
- Update filters to remove plugin updates from update-core screen
- A few method name changes, more logical naming convention
- Override update message for themes
- Remove update message from update-core screen
- Initial upload