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Features 1:
• Teacher will create course for the subject.
• Course schedule of the entire year defined.
• Course should contain every month topics with proper time hours.
- Teacher create course for the subject.
- Content of the course defines the planning for the entire year. Time hours defines the total hours required for the particular topic.
- Teacher adds the document for the particular topic.
- Students/parents prints the course with topics in the xls format.
Features 2:
Exam Receipt (Hall ticket)
• This features will allow the accountant to print exam receip only if all the months school fees are paid,
With help of this feature acoountant can manage the dues payment of students before the exam.
- Accountant check fees register for the student.
- All the fees records with paid lable.
- Accountant print the exam receipt through the print button.
Validation msg show for the accountat if he print the receipt and Any payment is due of student.
Student exam receipt print with the details subject name with date, Student and invigilator sign .
Features 3:
Messaging system:
• Teacher/students/Parents can be notified about the latest information, Inform parents about the events,
due fees and upcoming exams, Parents and teacher are notified for the Teacher-Parents meeting.
- School management department send message to notify parents about the fees dues.
Features 4:
Real-Time Bus tracking:
• Parents can see the location of the bus in the map view, can save time by
not waiting at bus stop.
• School managment department check students/staff members pickup and
drop as per school time.
Features 5:
• Admin manage the staff members, Bus driver , peon etc salary through the
hr_payroll, Salary can be calculated as per the attendences. Admin can easily provide payslip to the employees.
- Admin create contract for the employees.
- Admin calculate the monthly salary of the employee as per the attendences.
- Employees salary calculated as per the contract created for the employee.
Features 6:
Expenses manage:
• School expenses like electricity bill, Stationary expense, Transport expense, event expense,
easily manage by the accountant on the same plateform.
- Accountant create type of expenses generated for the month.
- Accountant reports the expense to the admin/owners, Accountant can attach receipt of the bill.
- User anaylyze the expenses through the analysis report view in different format like bar chart, line chart , Pie chart etc.
Features 7:
Visitors management:
• visitors details can be recorder, visitor pass created as per the details provided by the visitor.
Visiting hours can be defined, It also provide security to the school campus.
- Campus visiting card provided to the visitor by school management system.
- Visitors history recorded with proper check in and check out time and purpose.
Features 8:
Inventory management:
• With this feature school assets theft risk is reduced, Stock maintained digitally, School items like sports equipment,
laboratory equipment can be assign, retuns, sale and purchase.Vendors list ar e recorded.
- User can define equipment categories list.
- Add the number of equipments under the equipment category through smart button.
- Equipment assign to the class or division.
- User return the equipment and status changed as returned, Equipment availability update in the inventory.
Features 9:
Admission enquiries management:
• New admission inquires managed at one place, all inquiries data saved online in the created form view, provide
update about the admission to the parents through email, Text messages. Inquiries convert in the admission
and view the ratio of admission through the graph view.
Admission representative create the enquiry form for the online enquiries.
Parents fill the online enquiry form and also fill form by visiting school.
Admission represenative managing the enquiries and send updates about the admission process through email and text messages, Online enquiry follow up taken by the admission representative.
Admission representative convert enquiry into the admission on one click, All the information of inquiry converted to the student’s profile.
With use of report of enquiry to admission help representative to increase number of enquiry and provide forecast of admisson for next year.