Maps I have made for the mobile (shack) version of the game Pavlov.
Items is an 'all item' map that also has other blueprints I've been testing.
MCInferno is a minecraft port of cs inferno.
MarsBase is a simple, boxy map that is set on Mars.
Maze city is a desert city based on a circular maze. The bomb point is in the middle.
Vietnam is a map set in a US base in the Vietnam war. I made it in response to the addition of the m16.
Museum is my entry for the "Quest for content" contest, it is set in a museum.
Sword Fight is a map with a custom gamemode where bayonets are re-sized to look like swords.
Netherlands is a map set in the Netherlands ww2 where an allied commando group are try to destroy 2 bridges to hinder the Germans' occupation.
High Up is quite a small map, compatible with push and snd as well as most other modes It kinda looks like an empty shopping centre at the top of a skyscraper