1. set varaibles
nano SDS-011-Python-master/AQ/Scripts/varaibles.py
Update varailes for RPINAME, LOC (Locations), intergration (Record interval), MODE (Recorind mode : LOG, GPS, TEST), RUNSEN (Sensors names), RUNPORTS (Senors connected usb ports)
- LOG static site recording to csv, creates a new csv ever day
- GPS added the lat, lon and altitude to csv allowing for mobile usage, create a new csv ever run
- TEST create a new csv for a test run, then start logging
Addional varaibles for DHT22 if connected Set DHTON to "ON" and add the connected pin number if
DHTPINS=[14] #check the pin
Addional varaibles for BLINKT if connected
Set BLINKT="ON" and check the PMVALUE to set light color limits
BLINKT="ON" #BLINkt hat option (Cant fit DHT22 with the BLINKET Hat)
PMVALUE=[10,20,30] #Set intevals for light colors defult colors (Green,blue,organe red) +
2. Time to run
sudo python SDS-011-Python-master/AQ/Scripts/start.py
3. Run on start up
In terminal
sudo nano crontab -e
Add to the bottom
@reboot python /home/pi/SDS-011-Python-master/AQ/Scripts/start.py &
Save Then in terminal, reboot to check it works
sudo reboot
Running from start up works well with the BLINKT as you can see its working from the colors
Multiple SDS011 set up example
To set up Multiple SDS011 on one RPI3, multipe sensors names and ports need to be added to RUNSEN and RUNPORT arrays in varaibles.py
nano SDS-011-Python-master/AQ/Scripts/varaibles.py
Add the new SDS011 name, and the SDS011 port name (/dev/tttyUSB#N #N=0,1,2,3...)