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vijayiyer05 edited this page Jul 12, 2017 · 7 revisions

Processing Overview

Spoke is a consumer of the SpikeGLX data production software for Whisper neural recordings systems. Spoke retrieves data from SpikeGLX via its remote command interface over TCP/IP.

Spoke uses a MATLAB Timer object to process the SpikeGLX data stream one batch at a time, at a regular interval. It processes the data, reducing it and then displaying the reduced data. Currently, three modes of data reduction and display are supported.

See Processing Pipeline for an overview and description of the processing pipeline.

Spoke seeks to be as memoryless as possible. In other words, raw data is discarded as soon as it is no longer needed, i.e. not a part of the reduced data structure or needed for processing in a subsequent timer period.

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