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Prettier shareable configuration.

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Creating a Prettier configuration should be easier.
@szum-tech/prettier-config provides a ready-to-use Prettier configuration that will fit your project.

📚 Features

📖 Table of Contents

🎯 Getting Started

⚙️ Installation

@szum-tech/prettier-config is available as npm package.

npm install --save-dev prettier @szum-tech/prettier-config

yarn add -D prettier @szum-tech/prettier-config

pnpm add --save-dev prettier @szum-tech/prettier-config

bun add --dev prettier @szum-tech/prettier-config


Full documentation on how to create a Prettier configuration can be found in Prettier docs.

Configuration could be set via either:

  • A .prettierrc file, written in YAML or JSON, with optional extensions: .yaml/.yml/.json/.json5/.js/.cjs/.mjs/.ts/.mts/.cts
  • A prettier.config.(js|cjs|mjs|ts|cts|mts) file that exports an object
  • A prettier key in the project's package.json file

The following examples show how to integrate predefined configuration in project:

  • Via prettier.config.mts file:
export { default } from "@szum-tech/prettier-config";

Configurations also could be used to extends:

import { type Config } from "prettier";
import szumTechPrettierConfig from "@szum-tech/prettier-config";

export default {
  semi: false
} satisfies Config;
  • Via prettier.config.mjs file:
export { default } from "@szum-tech/prettier-config";

Configurations also could be used to extends:

import szumTechPrettierConfig from "@szum-tech/prettier-config";

 * @type {import("prettier").Config}
export default {
  semi: false
  • Via prettier.config.cjs file:
module.exports = require("@szum-tech/prettier-config");

OR extend configuration:

const szumTechPrettierConfig = require("@szum-tech/prettier-config");

 * @type {import("prettier").Config}
module.exports = {
  semi: false
  • Via prettier key in the project's package.json file:
  "prettier": "@szum-tech/prettier-config"
  • Via .prettierrc file:


You can ignore files by adding it to .prettierignore.

💻 Scripts

Suggested scripts you can add to package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "prettier:check": "prettier --check .",
    "prettier:write": "prettier --write ."

🚀 Minimal GitHub Prettier check workflow

Here are the minimal steps required to run an Prettier check. Creating or adding any content to a PR will trigger this event. This action validate the code and return its results.

name: PR Checks ✅


    name: Prettier 🧹
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout code 📚
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up Node 🟢
        uses: actions/setup-node@v4
          node-version: ${{ env.NODE_VERSION }}
          cache: "npm"
      - name: Install packages ⚙️
        run: npm ci
      - name: Prettier Check 🧹
        run: npm run prettier:check

🛠️ Developer Info


NPM (prod) Dependency Version NPM (prod) Dependency Version

Peer Dependencies

NPM dev or peer Dependency Version

📓 Changelog

The changelog is regularly updated to reflect what's changed in each new release.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.