Autoencoders are a class of ML models trained to map input to output. They are largely used as placeholders, or as a security measure (see arxiv 1802.03471).
In this project we focus on ONNX. ONNX is the up-and-coming standard for handling ML models between applications, and can be accessed with the ONNXRuntime API. Although mainly written for python, the developers included a C/C++ interface that we endeavored to use.
Vitis-AI is a possible alternative. It's an API built on top of ORT for Xilinx FPGAs. It doesn't support xgboost however (as of April 2021), so we work directly with ORT.
Unfortunately, I misunderstood the purpose of ORT, thinking that the API allowed access to nodes within the ONNX model. As a result I don't believe I will use ORT for future projects.
Train the autoencoder:
Verify onnx model:, import_onnx.cpp
The standalone C ONNX reader works fine. It is possible to integrate with host.c, but without access to node weights this isn't useful.
If one wants to use ORT with the v++ compiler, just add the library flags to the autogenerated makefile as below:
86: LDFLAGS += $(opencl_LDFLAGS) -L/home/jan/Github_repos/ONNXRuntime/onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.4.0/lib -lonnxruntime
The specific onnx library I'm using can be found here:
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