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[writing] provide openxlsx2.export_with_pugi = FALSE option
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JanMarvin committed Jan 29, 2025
1 parent bfb88c7 commit 485e774
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Showing 5 changed files with 276 additions and 27 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions R/RcppExports.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ set_sst <- function(sharedStrings) {
.Call(`_openxlsx2_set_sst`, sharedStrings)

write_worksheet_slim <- function(sheet_data, prior, post, fl) {
invisible(.Call(`_openxlsx2_write_worksheet_slim`, sheet_data, prior, post, fl))

write_worksheet <- function(prior, post, sheet_data) {
.Call(`_openxlsx2_write_worksheet`, prior, post, sheet_data)
Expand Down
77 changes: 50 additions & 27 deletions R/class-workbook.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9788,41 +9788,64 @@ wbWorkbook <- R6::R6Class(
prior <- self$worksheets[[i]]$get_prior_sheet_data()
post <- self$worksheets[[i]]$get_post_sheet_data()

if (!is.null(self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cc)) {
use_pugixml_export <- getOption("openxlsx2.export_with_pugi", default = TRUE)

self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cc$r <- with(
stringi::stri_join(c_r, row_r)
cc <- self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cc
# prepare data for output
if (use_pugixml_export) {
# failsaves. check that all rows and cells
# are available and in the correct order
if (!is.null(self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cc)) {

self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cc$r <- with(
stringi::stri_join(c_r, row_r)
cc <- self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cc
# prepare data for output

# there can be files, where row_attr is incomplete because a row
# is lacking any attributes (presumably was added before saving)
# still row_attr is what we want!
# there can be files, where row_attr is incomplete because a row
# is lacking any attributes (presumably was added before saving)
# still row_attr is what we want!

rows_attr <- self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$row_attr
self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$row_attr <- rows_attr[order(as.numeric(rows_attr[, "r"])), ]
rows_attr <- self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$row_attr
self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$row_attr <- rows_attr[order(as.numeric(rows_attr[, "r"])), ]

cc_rows <- self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$row_attr$r
# c("row_r", "c_r", "r", "v", "c_t", "c_s", "c_cm", "c_ph", "c_vm", "f", "f_attr", "is")
cc <- cc[cc$row_r %in% cc_rows, ]
cc_rows <- self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$row_attr$r
# c("row_r", "c_r", "r", "v", "c_t", "c_s", "c_cm", "c_ph", "c_vm", "f", "f_attr", "is")
cc <- cc[cc$row_r %in% cc_rows, ]

self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cc <- cc[order(as.integer(cc[, "row_r"]), col2int(cc[, "c_r"])), ]
} else {
self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$row_attr <- NULL
self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cc <- NULL
self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cc <- cc[order(as.integer(cc[, "row_r"]), col2int(cc[, "c_r"])), ]
} else {
self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$row_attr <- NULL
self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data$cc <- NULL

# create entire sheet prior to writing it
sheet_xml <- write_worksheet(
prior = prior,
post = post,
sheet_data = self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data
ws_file <- file.path(xlworksheetsDir, sprintf("sheet%s.xml", i))
write_xmlPtr(doc = sheet_xml, fl = ws_file)

if (use_pugixml_export) {

# create entire sheet prior to writing it
sheet_xml <- write_worksheet(
prior = prior,
post = post,
sheet_data = self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data
write_xmlPtr(doc = sheet_xml, fl = ws_file)

} else {

if (grepl("</worksheet>", prior))
prior <- substr(prior, 1, nchar(prior) - 13) # remove " </worksheet>"

sheet_data = self$worksheets[[i]]$sheet_data,
prior = prior,
post = post,
fl = ws_file


## write worksheet rels
if (length(self$worksheets_rels[[i]])) {
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/RcppExports.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -853,6 +853,19 @@ BEGIN_RCPP
return rcpp_result_gen;
// write_worksheet_slim
void write_worksheet_slim(Rcpp::Environment sheet_data, std::string prior, std::string post, std::string fl);
RcppExport SEXP _openxlsx2_write_worksheet_slim(SEXP sheet_dataSEXP, SEXP priorSEXP, SEXP postSEXP, SEXP flSEXP) {
Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen;
Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< Rcpp::Environment >::type sheet_data(sheet_dataSEXP);
Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< std::string >::type prior(priorSEXP);
Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< std::string >::type post(postSEXP);
Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< std::string >::type fl(flSEXP);
write_worksheet_slim(sheet_data, prior, post, fl);
return R_NilValue;
// write_worksheet
XPtrXML write_worksheet(std::string prior, std::string post, Rcpp::Environment& sheet_data);
RcppExport SEXP _openxlsx2_write_worksheet(SEXP priorSEXP, SEXP postSEXP, SEXP sheet_dataSEXP) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1039,6 +1052,7 @@ static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
{"_openxlsx2_read_colors", (DL_FUNC) &_openxlsx2_read_colors, 1},
{"_openxlsx2_write_colors", (DL_FUNC) &_openxlsx2_write_colors, 1},
{"_openxlsx2_set_sst", (DL_FUNC) &_openxlsx2_set_sst, 1},
{"_openxlsx2_write_worksheet_slim", (DL_FUNC) &_openxlsx2_write_worksheet_slim, 4},
{"_openxlsx2_write_worksheet", (DL_FUNC) &_openxlsx2_write_worksheet, 3},
{"_openxlsx2_write_xmlPtr", (DL_FUNC) &_openxlsx2_write_xmlPtr, 2},
{"_openxlsx2_styles_bin", (DL_FUNC) &_openxlsx2_styles_bin, 3},
Expand Down
186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions src/write_file.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,192 @@ Rcpp::CharacterVector set_sst(Rcpp::CharacterVector sharedStrings) {
return sst;

// write xml by streaming to files. this takes whatever input we provide and
// dumps it into the file. no xml checking, no unicode checking
void xml_sheet_data_slim(
Rcpp::DataFrame row_attr,
Rcpp::DataFrame cc,
std::string prior,
std::string post,
std::string fl
) {

bool has_cm = cc.containsElementNamed("c_cm");
bool has_ph = cc.containsElementNamed("c_ph");
bool has_vm = cc.containsElementNamed("c_vm");

std::ofstream file(fl);

auto lastrow = 0; // integer value of the last row with column data
auto thisrow = 0; // integer value of the current row with column data
auto row_idx = 0; // the index of the row_attr file. this is != rowid
auto rowid = 0; // integer value of the r field in row_attr

std::string xml_preserver = " ";

file << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
file << prior;

Rcpp::CharacterVector cc_c_cm, cc_c_ph, cc_c_vm;

if (cc.nrow() && cc.ncol()) {
// we cannot access rows directly in the dataframe.
// Have to extract the columns and use these
Rcpp::CharacterVector cc_row_r = cc["row_r"]; // 1
Rcpp::CharacterVector cc_r = cc["r"]; // A1
Rcpp::CharacterVector cc_v = cc["v"];
Rcpp::CharacterVector cc_c_t = cc["c_t"];
Rcpp::CharacterVector cc_c_s = cc["c_s"];
if (has_cm) cc_c_cm = cc["c_cm"];
if (has_ph) cc_c_ph = cc["c_ph"];
if (has_vm) cc_c_vm = cc["c_vm"];
Rcpp::CharacterVector cc_f = cc["f"];
Rcpp::CharacterVector cc_f_attr = cc["f_attr"];
Rcpp::CharacterVector cc_is = cc["is"];

Rcpp::CharacterVector row_r = row_attr["r"];

file << "<sheetData>";
for (auto i = 0; i < cc.nrow(); ++i) {

thisrow = std::stoi(Rcpp::as<std::string>(cc_row_r[i]));

if (lastrow < thisrow) {

// there might be entirely empty rows in between. this is the case for
// loadExample. We check the rowid and write the line and skip until we
// have every row and only then continue writing the column
while (rowid < thisrow) {

rowid = std::stoi(Rcpp::as<std::string>(

if (row_idx) file << "</row>";
file << "<row";
Rcpp::CharacterVector attrnams = row_attr.names();

for (auto j = 0; j < row_attr.ncol(); ++j) {

Rcpp::CharacterVector cv_s = "";
cv_s = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::CharacterVector>(row_attr[j])[row_idx];

if (cv_s[0] != "") {
const std::string val_strl = Rcpp::as<std::string>(cv_s);
file << " " << attrnams[j] << "=\"" << val_strl.c_str() << "\"";
file << ">"; // end <r ...>

// read the next row_idx when visiting again

// create node <c>
file << "<c";

// Every cell consists of a typ and a val list. Certain functions have an
// additional attr list.

// append attributes <c r="A1" ...>
file << " r" << "=\"" << to_string(cc_r[i]).c_str() << "\"";

if (!to_string(cc_c_s[i]).empty())
file << " s" << "=\"" << to_string(cc_c_s[i]).c_str() << "\"";

// assign type if not <v> aka numeric
if (!to_string(cc_c_t[i]).empty())
file << " t" << "=\"" << to_string(cc_c_t[i]).c_str() << "\"";

// CellMetaIndex: suppress curly brackets in spreadsheet software
if (has_cm && !to_string(cc_c_cm[i]).empty())
file << " cm" << "=\"" << to_string(cc_c_cm[i]).c_str() << "\"";

// phonetics spelling
if (has_ph && !to_string(cc_c_ph[i]).empty())
file << " ph" << "=\"" << to_string(cc_c_ph[i]).c_str() << "\"";

// suppress curly brackets in spreadsheet software
if (has_vm && !to_string(cc_c_vm[i]).empty())
file << " vm" << "=\"" << to_string(cc_c_vm[i]).c_str() << "\"";

file << ">"; // end <c ...>

bool f_si = false;

// <f> ... </f>
// f node: formula to be evaluated
if (!to_string(cc_f[i]).empty() || !to_string(cc_f_attr[i]).empty()) {
file << "<f";
if (!to_string(cc_f_attr[i]).empty()) {
file << to_string(cc_f_attr[i]).c_str();
file << ">";

file << to_string(cc_f[i]).c_str();

file << "</f>";

// v node: value stored from evaluated formula
if (!to_string(cc_v[i]).empty()) {
if (!f_si & (to_string(cc_v[i]).compare(xml_preserver.c_str()) == 0)) {
// this looks strange
file << "<v xml:space=\"preserve\">";
file << " ";
file << "</v>";
} else {
file << "<v>" << to_string(cc_v[i]).c_str() << "</v>";

// <is><t> ... </t></is>
if (to_string(cc_c_t[i]).compare("inlineStr") == 0) {
if (!to_string(cc_is[i]).empty()) {
file << to_string(cc_is[i]).c_str();

file << "</c>";

// update lastrow
lastrow = thisrow;

file << "</row>";
file << "</sheetData>";
} else {
file << "<sheetData/>";

file << post;
file << "</worksheet>";



// export worksheet without pugixml
// this should be way quicker, uses far less memory, but also skips all of the checks pugi does
// [[Rcpp::export]]
void write_worksheet_slim(
Rcpp::Environment sheet_data,
std::string prior,
std::string post,
std::string fl
// sheet_data will be in order, just need to check for row_heights
// CharacterVector cell_col = int_to_col(sheet_data.field("cols"));
Rcpp::DataFrame row_attr = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::DataFrame>(sheet_data["row_attr"]);
Rcpp::DataFrame cc = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::DataFrame>(sheet_data["cc"]);

xml_sheet_data_slim(row_attr, cc, prior, post, fl);

// creates an xml row
// data in xml is ordered row wise. therefore we need the row attributes and
// the column data used in this row. This function uses both to create a single
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/test-write.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1470,5 +1470,27 @@ test_that("guarding against overwriting shared formula reference works", {
exp <- c("1", "2", "B1 + 1", "C1 + 1")
got <- unname(unlist(wb$to_df(show_formula = TRUE, col_names = FALSE)))
expect_equal(exp, got)

test_that("writing without pugixml works", {

temp <- temp_xlsx()
expect_silent(write_xlsx(x = mtcars, file = temp))
expect_silent(wb <- wb_load(temp))

temp <- temp_xlsx()
options("openxlsx2.export_with_pugi" = FALSE)
expect_silent(write_xlsx(x = mtcars, file = temp))
expect_silent(wb <- wb_load(temp))

temp <- temp_xlsx()
options("openxlsx2.export_with_pugi" = TRUE)
expect_silent(write_xlsx(x = mtcars, file = temp))
expect_silent(wb <- wb_load(temp))

temp <- temp_xlsx()
options("openxlsx2.export_with_pugi" = NULL)
expect_silent(write_xlsx(x = mtcars, file = temp))
expect_silent(wb <- wb_load(temp))


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