All numbers are subject to tweaking and balancing
Main currency: notes 🎶 (soft)
Secondary currency: gems 💎 (hard)
Tertiary currency: tbd (if $ value disassociation becomes relevant)
character independant card based quality -> upgrade/improvement mechanics
- 1: bad
- 2: ok
- 3: good
- 4: great
- 5: epic
- 6: shiny
2 bad cards = 1 ok card 3 ok cards = 1 good card 4 good cards = 1 great card 5 great cards = 1 epic card
Shiny cards can only be dropped with 0.5% chance or upgraded using a store purchased item
Single card of any character
belongs to a band/group
which could be part of their topmost genre (?)
Completed bands reward cosmetics and XP (scaled to band size)
Band levels by collecting duplicates (?) as a long term hook
- int guildID
- int active | 0 inactive, 1 active, 2 banned/blocked
- int adminRoleId | role can configure server specific bot options
- date created
- date updated
- bool maintenance
- int[] adminIDs
- int userID
- int active | 0 inactive, 1 active, 2 banned/blocked
- int privacy | 0 public, 1 private
Steal profile layout from Amaan with more customization
Bug bounty: offer rewards for reporting. Maybe % of a users wealth to
- detailed card history
- Drop simulator (mass simulate drops to evaluate rates)
- All time
- Monthly (resets every 1st of the month to encourage conversion of non-whales) Top positions get awarded additianal XP + Gems
Each collect += 10 XP (Shiny += 100)
Each upgrade += 25 XP
Daily reward -> notes
Weekly reward -> gems
Monthly reward -> Pack with 1 shiny card guaranteed (included)
Each reward tier also grants XP
could be used for a "social feed" outlining friends shiny drops and purchases (availability and social proof)
put up card/trade offers each offer has a 🎶 fee, setting the anchor for subsequent promotion fees (💎) each offer should timeout, making the marketplace part of the habit loop
Introduce custom cards as a high tier reward.
Mark as custom, dont't allow trading.
Don't allow replicating existing cards?
How do we handle new packs colliding with existinc custom cards?
- Convert custom card into official shiny card
- Make custom cards very distinct
[50, 100, 500, 1000, 10k] Cards collected
[100k, 500k, 1m] Notes spent total
- do not encourage saving
- players with low funds (notes) could be targeted by high item discounts for a higher chance of conversion
[100, 500, 1k] Private Trades completed (Limit trades per hour? Pay for trade limit reset, higher fees than Marketplace)
[100, 500, 1k] Public Trades (Marketplace) completed
[7d,1m,6m,1y] Daily streak
- ties in to the social feed to apply pressure to keep up
[10,50,100] Shinies present in collection
[5k, 10k, 100k] Bad/ok/good cards in collection (each q level separately)
- Discourage converting cards to currency, purchase instead
after a referred friend collects 100 cards, both get gems
this moved to stage 3 or later to counter stagnation of user aquisition
Depending on the discord presence availability we could use presence updates
or use the Spotify API directly.
Considering the instability of both the Spotify and LastFM APIs, we might need an alternative
short clips easily take up to 10 sec top render webp not supported by discord, gif is huge af To hide the rendering dely we could
- prerender fixed "claim animations"
- not reveal the claimed cards immediately