- Name – Star Wars: Combat Arena
- Topic – Lightsaber combat
- Genre – Action-arcade
- Graphics type – 3D
- Platform – PC
- This game was being developed between December 2021 and January 2022
- Game was uploaded from school repository to this repository in May 2022, which was at the end in the last year of secondary school
- Revision happened in August 2023, which starts from commit 7c225fd
- Will be played from a third person perspective, the player will have to think tactically as he has to guard his remaining health
- Player will also have to keep an eye on his own stamina and opponent's stamina, because plasma has no mass, but the lightsaber handle weighs something
- Player will have to block lightsaber attack or execute his own lightsaber attack with correct timing
- Each player's win increases the difficulty of the opponent (moving to the next game level)
- If player loses, the difficulty is reset to the beginning (going to the first game level)
- Music will be playing in the background
- Keyboard keys WSAD – Player movement
- Mouse left button – Attack
- Mouse right button – Blocking against enemy attacks
- Keyboard key M – Pausing game and triggering game menu
- Download a setup installer from the latest game release and run installer
- Clone this repository
- Open this Unity project through Unity Hub
- Source code can be viewed and modified using IDE Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, which are integrated with Unity Editor
- Changes made in source code are applied immediately to Unity Editor
- It is needed to have Unity Hub installed to run the game inside Unity Editor for debugging