TOLOKO is a micro-task earning platform where users can earn money by completing small tasks. The platform connects task posters (buyers) with workers, facilitating a seamless micro-task marketplace.
- Multi-role authentication (Admin/Buyer/Worker)
- Profile management with role-based access
- Virtual coin system for transactions
- Payment processing with Stripe
- Task submission and approval system
- Comprehensive user management
- Task monitoring and control
- Payment transaction oversight
- Withdrawal request management
- Statistical data visualization
- Task creation with image upload
- Detailed task descriptions
- Task status tracking
- Submission review system
- Secure Stripe integration
- Virtual coin purchases
- Payment history tracking
- Withdrawal functionality
- React.js
- Tailwind CSS
- DaisyUI
- React Icons
- SweetAlert2
- React Toastify
- React Router DOM
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Stripe Integration
POST /users
- User registrationPOST /login
- User login
GET /tasks
- Get all tasksPOST /tasks
- Create new taskDELETE /tasks/:id
- Delete taskPATCH /tasks/:id
- Update task status
POST /payments/save-payment
- Process paymentGET /payments/history/:email
- Get payment history
GET /admin/users
- Get all usersPATCH /admin/users/role/:id
- Update user roleDELETE /admin/users/:id
- Delete user
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
For any queries or support, please reach out:
- GitHub: @Jami40