"Simple Event-Driven Microservice Architecture in Rust" is an open-source project showcasing the simplicity and efficiency of building microservices in Rust. This minimalistic project demonstrates an e-commerce backend system, featuring just two microservices: Catalog and Order.
During the installation steps you will install the following dependencies when running install_prerequisites_macos.sh
- Rust
- Brew
- Java
- Kafka
- Set Executable Permissions
Open your terminal at the root of the project and run the following commands:chmod +x .scripts/install_prerequisites_macos.sh chmod +x pre_run.sh
- Install Dependencies
Execute the script to install prerequisites:./.scripts/install_prerequisites_macos.sh
- Run Kafka Server
Start the Kafka server, which is used for event passing between microservices:./pre_run.sh
- Start Microservices
Run both the Catalog and Order microservices in separate terminal windows:
- For Catalog Microservice:
(cd ./catalog_service && cargo run)
- For Order Microservice:
(cd ./order_service && cargo run)
Once the server is operational, you can interact with the microservices through the following endpoints:
Catalog Microservice:
Retrieves a JSON list of all available products. -
Order Microservice:
Creates an order in the system. Use the headerContent-Type: application/json
and the following JSON body structure:{ "item_id": 1, "name": "James", "address": "22 Bugs Bunny Street, London, E1 4AH, United Kingdom", "quantity": 1 }
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues for improvements and suggestions.
Prior to contributing please ensure you read CONTRIBUTING.md.
This project is open source and available under MIT.