Releases: JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json
Releases · JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json
- New feature - Added JsonObjectAttribute with ability to opt-in or opt-out members by default.
- New feature - Added Skip() method to JsonReader.
- New feature - Added ObjectCreationHandling property to JsonSerializer.
- Change - LOTS of little fixes and changes to the LINQ to JSON objects.
- Change - CultureInfo is specified across Json.NET when converting objects to and from text.
- Change - Improved behaviour of JsonReader.Depth property.
- Change - GetSerializableMembers on JsonSerializer is now virtual.
- Fix - Floating point numbers now use ToString("r") to avoid an overflow error when serializing and deserializing a boundary value.
- Fix - JsonSerializer now correctly serializes and deserializes DBNull.
- Fix - JsonSerializer no longer errors when skipping a multi-token JSON structure.
- Fix - Clone a JToken if it already has a parent and is being added as a child to a new token
- New feature - Added FromObject to JObject, JArray for creating LINQ to JSON objects from regular .NET objects.
- New feature - Added support for deserializing to an anonymous type with the DeserializeAnonymousType method.
- New feature - Support for reading, writing and serializing the new DateTimeOffset type.
- New feature - Added IsoDateTimeConverter class. Converts DateTimes and DateTimeOffsets to and from the ISO 8601 format.
- New feature - Added JavaScriptDateTimeConverter class. Converts DateTimes and DateTimeOffsets to and from a JavaScript date constructor.
- New feature - XmlNodeConverter handles serializing and deserializing JavaScript constructors.
- New feature - Ability to force XmlNodeConverter to write a value in an array. Logic is controlled by an attribute in the XML, json:Array="true".
- New feature - JsonSerializer supports serializing to and from LINQ to JSON objects.
- New feature - Added Depth property to JsonReader.
- New feature - Added JsonTextReader/JsonNodeReader and JsonTextWriter/JsonNodeWriter.
- Change - More concise LINQ to JSON querying API.
- Change - JsonReader and JsonWriter are now abstract.
- Change - Dates are now serialized in a JSON complient manner, similar to ASP.NET's JavaScriptSerializer or WCF's DataContractJsonSerializer.
- Change - JsonSerializer will serialize null rather than throwing an exception.
- Change - The WriteTo method on LINQ to JSON objects now support JsonConverters.
- Fix - JsonTextReader correctly parses NaN, PositiveInfinity and NegativeInfinity constants.
- Fix - JsonSerializer properly serializes IEnumerable objects.
- Removed - AspNetAjaxDateTimeConverter. Format is no longer used by ASP.NET AJAX.
- Removed - JavaScriptObject, JavaScriptArray, JavaScriptConstructor. Replaced by LINQ to JSON objects.
- New feature - LINQ to JSON!
- New feature - Ability to specify how JsonSerializer handles null values when serializing/deserializing.
- New feature - Ability to specify how JsonSerializer handles missing values when deserializing.
- Change - Improved support for reading and writing JavaScript constructors.
- Change - A new JsonWriter can now write additional tokens without erroring.
- Bug fix - JsonSerializer handles deserializing dictionaries where the key isn't a string.
- Bug fix - JsonReader now correctly parses hex character codes.