Releases: JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json
Releases · JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json
- New feature - Added Windows Phone 7 project
- New feature - Added dynamic support to LINQ to JSON
- New feature - Added dynamic support to serializer
- New feature - Added INotifyCollectionChanged to JContainer in .NET 4 build
- New feature - Added ReadAsDateTimeOffset to JsonReader
- New feature - Added ReadAsDecimal to JsonReader
- New feature - Added covariance to IJEnumerable type parameter
- New feature - Added XmlSerializer style Specified property support
- New feature - Added support for deserializing to JToken
- New feature - Added CamelCaseText flag to StringEnumConverter
- New feature - Added WriteArrayAttribute to XmlNodeConverter to include an attribute to help round tripping JSON and XML
- New feature - Added OmitRootObject to XmlNodeConverter to skip writing the root JSON object when converting XML
- New feature - Added DeepClone and ICloneable implementation to JToken
- New feature - Added JSON schema PatternProperties, ExclusiveMinimum and ExclusiveMaximum for JSON schema spec 3
- New feature - Added .NET 3.5 project
- Change - Updated source code to VS2010
- Change - Updated main project to .NET 4
- Change – Updated Silverlight project to Silverlight 4
- Change - ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation moved to JObject
- Change - Improved error message when converting JSON with an empty property to XML
- Change - JSON schema Required replaced with Optional, as defined in JSON schema spec 3
- Change - JSON schema MaxDecimals replaced with DivisibleBy, as defined in JSON schema spec 3
- Remove - Compact Framework project removed. Compact Framework is not supported in VS2010
- Remove - JTypeDescriptionProvider and JTypeDesciptor removed
- Fix - BSON writing of binary values fixed. Added JsonNet35BinaryCompatibility flag for reading existing incorrect BSON binary values
- Fix - Timezone information no longer lost when deserializing DateTimeOffsets
- Fix – Decimal precision no longer lost when deserializing decimals
- Fix - SelectToken no longer skips the last project name when it is a single character
- Fix – Deserializing structs correctly set when reusing existing values is true
- Fix – Private getter/setters on base classes are now correctly accessible
- Fix – Nullable structs correctly deserialize
- Fix - JSON Schema option label now written correctly
- Fix – Deserializing a DataSet when it is a property of another object no longer breaks
- Fix - JToken Load and Parse methods now check that content is complete
- New feature - Added TypeNameHandling.Auto to automatically write the type name when a value doesn't match the declared type
- New feature - Added CLSCompliant attributes
- New feature - Added Required.Always attribute validation when writing JSON
- New feature - Added DateTimeKindHandling to BsonWriter to control how a DateTime is converted prior to being serialized
- New feature - Added SerializeCompilerGeneratedMembers to DefaultContractResolver to control serializing compiler generated fields
- Change - Improved OverflowException message for integer values larger than an Int64
- Change - Added interfaces, structs and enums as valid targets of JsonConverterAttribute
- Change - Added structs as a valid target of JsonObjectAttribute
- Change - Improved default null and value handing when JSON value is not compatible with property value
- Change - Serialization attributes now supported in .NET 2.0
- Change - HtmlColorConverter and System.Drawing.dll dependency removed
- Fix - Fix reading hexadecimal numbers that contain an e
- Fix - Generic simple type names no longer include full qualified assembly information for nested generate types
- Fix - Corrected culture invariance issues
- Fix - Correct incorrect BSON string reading for multi-byte characters
- Fix - Fix error when converting a JValue to a compatible type
- Fix - Fix security exception when generating simple type names on Silverlight
- Fix - JsonProperty now inherited on overriden properties
- Fix - JTokenReader.ReadAsBytes no longer errors when reading null token value
- New feature - Improved BSON performance
- New feature - Added WriteOid and WriteRegex to BsonWriter
- New feature - Added support for ShouldSerialize conditional methods
- New feature - Added TypeNameHandling to JsonProperty attribute. Allows a type names to be included on an individual property basis
- New feature - Support for reading octal and hexadecimal numbers from JSON
- New feature - Added support for enum values to LINQ to JSON
- New feature - Added TypeNameAssemblyFormat property to JsonSerializer
- New feature - Added DateTimeConverterBase
- New feature - Added JsonPrimitiveContract and JsonLinqContract
- New feature - Added CreateMemberValueProvider method to DefaultContractResolver
- New feature - INotifyCollectionChanged implemented on JContainer in Silverlight
- New feature - Included BSON in .NET 2.0, Silverlight and Compact Framework builds
- New feature - Added ReadRootValueAsArray, DateTimeKindHandling properties to BsonReader
- New feature - ISerializable support
- New feature - Added GetSchema, CanRead, CanWrite to JsonConverter
- New feature - LINQ to XML support added to XmlNodeConverter
- New feature - SerializeXNode, DeserializeXNode methods added to JsonConvert
- New feature - Added support for sharing a static cache for contract resolvers inheriting from DefaultControlResolver
- New feature - Added support for switching between dynamic and late bound reflection for medium trust environments
- New feature - Support for using implicit/explicit casts when converting a JSON property name to a dictionary value
- Change – JsonConverter.ReadJson method is now passed the existing value of the property it is converting
- Change - Built in JsonConverters are resolved once when the contract is created rather than runtime
- Change - JsonRaw removed and replaced with JRaw
- Change - Type is now always written as AssemblyQualifiedName
- Change - Dictionary key serialization falls back to ToString for keys
- Change - Schema generator now uses JsonContracts to determine schema information
- Change - Removed the "-" prefix when serializing a JSON constructor - prefix not compatible with XML naming standard
- Change - When converting JSON to XML using XmlNodeConverter, changed special JSON properties ($id, $ref, $type) to be attributes rather than child elements
- Fix - Fix dynamic code generation IL verification issues in .NET 4
- Fix - Fix error when deserializing nullable array
- Fix - Escape JSON property text
- Fix - Silverlight serialization security error
- Fix - Private base members marked with JsonProperty attribute now correctly serialized
- Fix - Error message when attempting to deserialize custom dictionary with no default constructor
- Fix - Correctly deserialize empty BSON objects
- Fix - When a class has a metadata class defined, fall back the original class from the metadata class when attribute not found
- Fix - Deserialize HashSet without error
- Fix - Correctly skip ignored JSON properties when deserializing via a non-default constructor
- Fix - Schema with no properties now correctly validates
- Fix - Dictionary and array schemas now marked as nullable
- Fix - Serialize generic dictionary that doesn't implement IDictionary correctly
- Fix - CustomCreationConverter no longer errors when writing JSON
- Fix - JsonProperty.Readable and Writable not being correctly set for .NET properties with modified getter/setter visibility
- Fix - Fix error caused by private properties on a base class when reflecting a type
- Fix - Correct property CanRead and CanWrite coming back as false when a base class property has a private getter/setter visibility
- Fix - Fix reading BSON multi byte UTF8 characters
- Fix - CustomCreationConverter to return null when converting a null JSON value
- Fix - Fix for possible errors caused by mutable GetHashCode implementations and reference tracking
- Fix - Fix JTokenReader.ReadAsBytes to read strings as base64 data
- New feature - Added reading and writing binary JSON (BSON) support via BsonReader, BsonWriter
- New feature - Added support for reading and writing byte arrays to JsonReader, JsonWriter and LINQ to JSON classes
- New feature - Added ReadAsBytes to JsonReader
- New feature - Added DataSetConverter, DataTableConverter
- New feature - Added JPath and SelectToken to JToken
- New feature - Added ObjectCreationHandling to JsonPropertyAttribute
- New feature - Added IValueProvider, ReflectionValueProvider, DynamicValueProvider
- New feature - Added serialization event support to Silverlight version
- New feature - Added DBNull support to JValue
- Change - Removed dependency on Entity Framework, LINQ to SQL and data annotations assemblies
- Change - Upgraded Silverlight project to Silverlight 3
- Change - Changed IsRequired to Required enum on JsonPropertyAttribute with options Default, AllowNull and Always
- Change - Change converter to be resolved from new Converter property on JsonProperty
- Change - Improved error message when JSON array encountered for object and vice-versa when deserializing
- Change - Improved error message for converting types when deserializing
- Change - Improved error message from getting and setting properties when serializing and deserializing
- Change - Class converter now resolved from contract
- Change - Built in serializers now resolved when contract is created
- Change - JsonRaw removed and replaced with JRaw
- Fix - Schema id not being written for collections
- Fix - TimeSpan serialization incorrect on Compact Framework
- Fix - Unicode line break string encoding when writing JSON
- Fix - Empty string being incorrectly converted to null when deserializing
- Fix - Unclosed object when including type name with array
- Fix - Serializing objects with generic methods failing on Compact Framework
- Fix - Remove DateTimeOffset stand-in from Compact Framework build
- Fix - Modified .NET 2.0 build to run on environments without .NET 2.0 SP1
- Fix - Changed deserialization to always use a new value created from a JsonConverter
- Fix - XmlNodeConverter not converting comments in JSON
- Fix - ToString culture inconsistency when serializing dictionary key
- Fix - JTokenWriter not writing comments
- Fix - Properties on existing derived objects not being populated during deserialization
- New feature - Added .NET 2.0 support
- New feature - Added serialization error handling via Error event on JsonSerializer and OnErrorAttribute
- New feature - Added implicit conversions from primitive values to JValue
- New feature - Added type descriptor objects to support LINQ to JSON databinding
- New feature - Added ITypedList and IBindingList to JContainer
- New feature - Added INotifyPropertyChanging and INotifyPropertyChanged to JObject
- New feature - Added ConstructorHandling to allow object creation using non-public default constructors
- New feature - Added roundtrip ADO.NET Entities serialization and deserialization
- New feature - Added set indexer to JToken
- Change - IsRequired now accepts null properties
- Change - JsonSerializer now creates JObject/JArray when deserializing complex JSON to an object type
- Change - Empty string to be deserialized as null for nullable types
- Change - CloneNode on JToken renamed to CloneToken
- Change - JProperty constructor that doesn't take a value made internal
- Fix - Schema generation with negative enum values
- Fix - Exception when loading JObject with multiple properties of the same name. Last property will be used
- Fix - Exception when deserializing null value to List<Nullable>
- Fix - Generic type deserialization with type name tracking enabled
- New feature - Added StringEnumConverter to convert enum values to and from their string name rather than number value
- New feature - Added BinaryConverter which converts byte array's, Binary and SqlBinary values to and from base64 text.
- New feature - Added NullValueHandling, DefaultValueHandling and ReferenceLoopHandling to JsonPropertyAttribute
- New feature - Added MetadataTypeAttribute support when searching for attributes
- New feature - JsonSerializer now looks for DataContractAttribute and DataMemberAttribute on a type
- New feature - Now able to explicitly serialize private members when marked up with JsonPropertyAttribute or DataMemberAttribute
- New feature - Added CustomCreationConverter. Used to customize creation of an object before the serializer populates values
- New feature - Added Populate method to JsonSerializer. Pass existing object to serializer and have current object's values populated onto it
- New feature - Added IsReference to JsonContainerAttribute and JsonPropertyAttribute
- New feature - Added PreserveReferencesHandling to JsonSerializer
- New feature - Added IReferenceResolver (replacing IMappingResolver) to JsonSerializer
- New feature - JsonObjectAttribute will now force a collection class to be serialized as an object
- New feature - Added JsonContract, JsonObjectContract, JsonArrayContract and JsonDictionaryContract
- New feature - Added support for OnSerializing, OnSerialized, OnDeserializing, OnDeserialized callback methods
- Change - Rename JsonTokenReader, JsonTokenWriter, JsonTokenType to JTokenReader, JTokenWriter, JTokenType
- Change - DefaultDateTimeFormat on IsoDateTimeConverter no longer displays milliseconds zeros
- Change - JObject now enumerates over KeyValuePair<string, JToken> rather than JToken
- Change - Moved serialize stack used to check for reference loops from JsonWriter (yuck) to JsonSerializerWriter (yay)
- Change - Renamed JsonMemberMapping to JsonProperty
- Fix - JToken now successfully casts to a float or decimal value
- Fix - Serializer now handles comments encountered in JSON while deserializing
- Fix - Fixed (hopefully) cache threading issues
- Fix - Uri objects are now correctly serizlized on Silverlight/Compact Framework
- Fix - Whole decimals will now always be written with a decimal place
- New feature - Added IMappingResolver interface and DefaultMappingResolver class. IMappingResolver property added to JsonSerializer, JsonSerializerSettings, JsonSchemaGenerator
- New feature - Added CamelCaseMappingResolver
- New feature - Added DeserializeNode overload to JsonConvert that allows a root element to be added to the XML
- New feature - Added support for deserializing to IEnumerable, ICollection, IList and IDictionary<TKey, TValue> members
- New feature – Deserializer will now populate an object’s members with unused values after creating an object from a non-default constructor
- New feature - Deserializer now attempts a case insensitive match to a member if the exact case match fails
- New feature - Added a ToString(Formatting, JsonConverters[]) overload to JToken
- New feature - Added AddAfterSelf, AddBeforeSelf methods to JToken
- Change - JsonSerializer now ignores missing members by default
- Fix - Made the error message when attempting to deserialize to an interface or abstract class clearer
- Fix - Fixed the whitespace issues when writing a raw JValue token
- Fix - XmlNodeConverter now handles nested arrays when converting JSON to XML
- Fix - Ensure JavaScriptDateTimeConverter converts nullable DateTime members
- Fix - Fix possible thread safety issues by adding double check locking to static reflection cache
- New feature - Added JSON Schema implementation
- New feature - Added IJsonLineInfo. Implemented by JsonTextReader, JsonTokenReader, JsonValidatingReader, JToken
- New feature - Added line details to JsonTextReader exception messages and JsonValidatingReader errors
- New feature - Added JsonContainerAttribute with Id, Title and Description members. JsonObject and JsonArray inherit from this attribute
- New feature - Added JsonArrayAttribute. Has flag to control whether array can contain null items
- New feature - Added IsRequired to JsonProperty
- New feature - Added Load(JsonReader) to JProperty, JConstructor
- New feature - Added the ability for JsonTokenWriter to write individual values as well as arrays and objects
- New feature - Added CreateReader to JToken
- New feature - Added FromObject to JToken
- New feature - Added ReadFrom to JToken
- Change - Renamed JavaScriptConvert to JsonConvert
- Change - Value on JObject supports getting nullable values
- Change - Type values now serialize and deserialize to the type name string
- Change - GetSerializableMembers has been removed and replaced with GetMemberMappings on JsonSerializer
- Fix - JsonConvert now always write a floating point number with a decimal place
- Fix - JsonSerializer now correctly skips missing members
- Fix - JsonWriter now allows objects and arrays to be written in a constructor
- Fix - QuoteChar not getting set when parsing property name
- Fix - JProperty now correctly loads content from a collection
- New feature - Compact framework support
- New feature - Big serializer performance improvements through caching of static type data
- New feature - Added DefaultValueHandling option to JsonSerializer
- New feature - JsonSerializer better supports deserializing into ICollection objects
- New feature - Added JsonSerializerSettings class along with overloads to JavaScriptConvert serialize/deserialize methods
- New feature - IsoDateTimeConverter and JavaScriptDateTimeConverter now support nullable DateTimes
- New feature - Added JsonWriter.WriteValue overloads for nullable types
- New feature - Newtonsoft.Json.dll is now signed
- New feature - Much better support for reading, writing and serializing raw JSON
- New feature - Added JsonWriter.WriteRawValue
- Change - Renamed Identifier to JsonRaw
- Change - JSON date constructors deserialize to a date
- Fix - JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject checks for addition content after deserializing an object
- Fix - Changed JsonSerializer.Deserialize to take a TextReader instead of a StringReader
- Fix - Changed JsonTextWriter.WriteValue(string) to write null instead of an empty string for a null value
- Fix - JsonWriter.WriteValue(object) no longer errors on a null value
- Fix - Corrected JContainer child ordering when adding multi values
- New feature - Silverlight Json.NET build.
- New feature - JObject now implements IDictionary, JArray now implements IList.
- New feature - Added JsonConverterAttribute. Used to define a JsonConverter to serialize a class or member. Can be placed on classes or fields and properties.
- New feature - Added DateTimeFormat to IsoDateTimeConverter to customize date format.
- New feature - Added WriteValue(object) overload to JsonWriter.
- New feature - Added JTokenEqualityComparer.
- New feature - Added IJEnumerable. JEnumerable and JToken now both implement IJEnumerable.
- New feature - Added AsJEnumerable extension method.
- Change - JsonSerializer does a case insensitive compare when matching property names and constructor params.
- Change - JObject properties must have a unique name.
- Bug fix - Internal string buffer properly resizes when parsing long JSON documents.
- Bug fix - JsonWriter no longer errors in certain conditions when writing a JsonReader's position.
- Bug fix - JsonSerializer skips multi-token properties when putting together constructor values.
- Bug fix - Change IConvertible conversions to use ToXXXX methods rather than casting.
- Bug fix - GetFieldsAndProperties now properly returns a distinct list of member names for classes than have overriden abstract generic properties.