New feature - Added support for JSONPath
New feature - Added support for serializing F# discriminated unions
New feature - Added support for deserializing nested DataTables and arrays in DataTables
New feature - Added support for reading multiple pieces of JSON with a JsonReader
New feature - Added AllowIntegerValues setting to StringEnumConverter
New feature - Added Decimal and DateTimeOffset constructors to JValue
New feature - Added support for reading JSON single line comments
New feature - Improved number parsing error messages
Change - Changed assembly version to
Change - .NET 4 Portable build targets MonoTouch and MonoDroid in NuGet package
Change - .NET 4 Portable build targets WP8 and SL5 instead of WP7 and SL4
Removed - DefaultMemberSearchFlags on DefaultContractResolver is obsolete
Removed - SerializeObjectAsync, DeserializeObjectAsync, PopulateObjectAsync on JsonConvert are obsolete
Fix - Fixed JObject ICustomTypeDescriptor properties returning incorrect value
Fix - Fixed error when casting dynamic base64 string to byte array
Fix - Fixed EntityKeyMemberConverter not using property name resolve
Fix - Fixed serializing JValues with readonly JsonConverters
Fix - Fixed formatting override on SerializeObject methods
Fix - Fixed error when wrapping an exception in a JsonConverter
Fix - Fixed using extension data with a non-default constructor
Fix - Fixed Uri serialization roundtripping with Uri.OriginalString
Fix - Fixed TypeNameHandling.Auto with JsonSerializer.Serialize inside a JsonConverter
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