New feature - Added async read support to JsonReader
New feature - Added async write support to JsonWriter
New feature - Added async support for loading JObject and JArray
New feature - Added non-allocating parsing of double and decimal values
New feature - Added support for TypeConverters to netstandard1.0+
New feature - Added support for BigInteger to netstandard1.3+
New feature - Added support for ISerializable to netstandard1.3+
New feature - Added support for XmlDocument to netstandard1.3+
New feature - Added support for SerializableAttribute and NonSerializedAttribute to netstandard1.3+
New feature - Added ISerializationBinder
New feature - Added SerializationBinder properties to JsonSerializer and JsonSerializerSettings
New feature - Added TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling
New feature - Added TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling properties to JsonSerializer and JsonSerializerSettings
New feature - Added support for root object selector in JSONPath filters
New feature - Added support for multiple names in JSONPath scan filter
New feature - Added support for any combination of paths and values in JSONPath filter expressions
New feature - Added support for extension data names to NamingStrategy
New feature - Added ProcessExtensionDataNames flag to NamingStrategy
New feature - Added JsonWriter.AutoCompleteOnClose to control whether JSON is auto-completed on JsonWriter.Close
New feature - Added JsonReaderException constructor with path, line number, line position
New feature - Added JsonWriterException constructor with path
New feature - Added JsonReader.SetToken method overload with option not to update position array index
New feature - Added support for automatically calling single constructor on immutable structs
Change - Removed .NET 4 portable class library target from NuGet package
Change - Removed obsolete JsonConverter.GetSchema method
Change - Removed obsolete constructor from DefaultContractResolver
Change - Removed obsolete async methods from JsonConvert
Change - Removed obsolete OnDeserialized, OnDeserializing, OnSerialized, OnSerializing, OnError from JsonContract
Change - Removed obsolete JsonDictionaryContract.PropertyNameResolver
Change - Removed obsolete ConstructorParameters, OverrideConstructor, ParametrizedConstructor from JsonObjectContract
Change - Obsoleted TypeNameAssemblyFormat properties on JsonSerializer and JsonSerializerSettings
Change - Obsoleted SerializationBinder
Change - Obsoleted Binder properties on JsonSerializer and JsonSerializerSettings
Change - Obsoleted FormatterAssemblyStyle in non-full .NET targets
Change - Obsoleted Newtonsoft.Json.Bson (moved to new NuGet package)
Change - Improved constructor parameter binding on .NET Core and portable builds
Change - Improved error when attempting to convert root JSON object property to an XML attribute
Change - Changed exception thrown when parsing invalid Unicode escape sequence to JsonReaderException
Change - Changed StringEnumConverter.AllowIntegerValues to also reject reading integer strings
Change - Changed StringEnumConverter.AllowIntegerValues to also reject writing enum values with no name
Fix - Fixed JsonTextReader.ReadAsXXX methods not erroring on missing commas between values
Fix - Fixed error when serializing F# lists with F# 4.1+
Fix - Fixed StringEnumConverter reading specified enum names that contain a comma
Fix - Fixed using a TraceWriter with nullable bytes
Fix - Fixed deserializing null Regex values
Fix - Fixed deserializing DataTable with error handling
Fix - Fixed DynamicReflectionDelegateFactory creating typed value type constructors
Fix - Fixed deserializing with type naming and complex nested generic types
Fix - Fixed error when converting certain JSON to XML on .NET Core
Fix - Fixed error handling skipping reading the next object value
Fix - Fixed date XML precision when converting certain JSON to XML on portable builds
Fix - Fixed not serializing readonly properties as references if they have corresponding creator parameters
Fix - Fixed type name being written with nullable structs and TypeNameHandling.Auto
Fix - Fixed deserializing a duplicate dictionary key from a parameterized constructor
Fix - Fixed not erroring when deserializing incomplete JSON with a parameterized constructor
Fix - Fixed incorrectly parsing scan filter when name is quoted
Fix - Fixed return type for SByte and SByteNullable in JToken.ToObject
Fix - Fixed deserializing generic only IList types with a constructor override
Fix - Fixed null reference error with ReadAsBytes and an empty JSON object
Fix - Fixed StringEnumConverter when EnumMember defines members that differ only by case
Fix - Fixed serializing protected override properties
Fix - Fixed merging null with complex type and MergeNullValueHandling.Ignore
Fix - Fixed roundtripping double.MaxValue and float.MaxValue as dictionary keys
Fix - Fixed JsonValidatingReader not closing underlying reader
Fix - Fixed writing duplicate nulls to trace with TraceJsonWriter.WriteValue for object, Uri, byte[]
Fix - Fixed BsonWriter.WriteValue erroring for null Uri or byte[]
Fix - Fixed not calling nullable WriteValue overloads in TraceJsonWriter
Fix - Fixed serializer not throwing an error when there is a comment followed by additional content when CheckAdditionalContent is true
Fix - Fixed JObject/JArray Parse not throwing an error when there is a comment followed by additional content
Fix - Fixed deserializing non-string values in some XML nodes
Fix - Fixed converting XML to JSON when json:Array and xmlns:json attributes are used directly on the array's element
Fix - Fixed error when attempting to populate values into read-only collection after creating object from non-default constructor
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