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Stairway to Heaven Senior Design team

Stairway to Heaven has been tasked by Dr. Christian Cousin to design a robot to assist the elderly in carrying objects up and down stairs to minimize fall risks. This robot climbs up and down stairs while safely carrying a load (i.e., a portable oxygen tank) and is portable, so that the robot is not confined to a singular environment. This GitHub contains all software for the project allowing for public viewing. Due to Arduino limitations, the main code is housed in the "Global" subfolder in "Code", containing multiple sketch files. A libraries folder is also included such that the entire directory can be cloned and ran on the robot. Details on our library can be found below:

Actuators and Sensors Library

This library allows you to control various acutators and sensors via an object level in arduino. All distance measurements are in CM

Ultrasonic Sensor

A sonar based sensor that can return a distance. The constructor requires the trig and echo pins

#include <ActuatorsAndSensors.h>

#define TRIG 2
#define ECHO 3

//Instantiate the Sensor
UltrasonicSensor DistanceSensor(TRIG, ECHO);

void setup() {

void loop() {

  //returns the distance measured by polling the ultrasonic sensor
  int distance =;

IR Sensor

A light based sensor that can return a distance. The constructor requires only the analog read pin

#include <ActuatorsAndSensors.h>

#define IR_PIN 2

//Instantiate the Sensor
IRSensor IR(IR_PIN);

void setup() {

void loop() {

  //returns the distance measured by the IR sensor in CM
  int distance =;

Bump Switch

#include <ActuatorsAndSensors.h>

#define BUMP_PIN 2

//Instantiate the Sensor as Normally Closed
BumpSwitch BS_NC(BUMP_PIN,"NC");

//Instantiate the Sensor as Normally Open
BumpSwitch BS_NO(BUMP_PIN,"NO");

void setup() {

void loop() {

  //returns if the bump switch is hit (1) or not (0)
  int isHit =;

Linear Actuator

#include <ActuatorsAndSensors.h>

#define IN1 2 
#define IN2 3
#define ENA 4

//Instantiate the Linear Actuator
LinearActuator LinAct(IN1, IN2, ENA);

void setup() {
  //Allows the actuator to recieve power

void loop() {

  int pwm = 255;

  //Sends the actuator up at specified pwm (default value of 255 if not passed)

  //Stops linear actuator motion until a goUp() or goDown() but doesn't turn it off

  //Sends the actuator down at specified pwm (default value of 255 if not passed)

  //Turns the linear actuator off, goUp() and goDown() will not work until turnOn() is called


Basic motor example. If you want any feedback or functions not listed below, internalUpdate() MUST be called in loop without any significant delay functions

#include <ActuatorsAndSensors.h>

#define IN1 2 
#define IN2 3
#define ENA 4

#define ENCA 8
#define ENCB 9

#define BUMP 10

//Instantiate the Motor's Encoder via Encoder.h
Encoder enc(ENCA, ENCB);

//Motor input bounds
int pwmLower=0;
int pwmUpper=255;
long countPerCm=100;

//Instantiate the Motor
Motor motor(IN1, IN2, ENA, pwmLower, pwmUpper, &enc, countPerCm);

void setup() {
  //Allows the motor to recieve power

void loop() {

  int pwm = 255;

  //Sends the motor forwards at specified pwm

  //Stops motor motion until a goForward(), goBackward(), or other subsequent acutation functions are called, but doesn't turn it off

  //Sends the motor backwards at specified pwm

  //Turns the motor off, actuation functions will not work until turnOn() is called

Feedback example with internalUpdate()

#include <ActuatorsAndSensors.h>

#define IN1 3 
#define IN2 4
#define ENA 2

#define ENCA 18
#define ENCB 19

#define BUMP 53

//Instantiate the Motor's Encoder via Encoder.h
Encoder enc(ENCA, ENCB);

//Motor input bounds
int pwmLower=0;
int pwmUpper=255;
long countPerCm=10;

//Instantiate the Motor
Motor motor(IN1, IN2, ENA, pwmLower, pwmUpper, &enc, countPerCm);

//Bump Switch object for "until" functions
BumpSwitch BS(BUMP,"NC");

//mode variable to try different execution options. Demo purpose only
int mode = 1;

//demo control gains
double kp = 0.2;
double ki = 0.00005;
double kd = 200;
double posTarget = 1000;

double kp_vel = 20;
double ki_vel = 0.1;
double kd_vel = 0.001;
double velTarget = 0.2;

double initPosition = 100;

void setup() {
  //Allows the motor to recieve power

  int pwm = 255;

    case 1:
      //Set the motor to move forward until the bump switch is hit
      motor.goForwardUntil(pwm, &BS, "==", 1);
    case 2:
      //Set the motor to move backward until the bump switch is hit
      motor.goBackwardUntil(pwm, &BS, "==", 1);
    case 3:
      //Set the current position to a specified value - useful to reset before PID position tracking
      //Set the motor to track the position target with given PID gains
      motor.PIDPos(kp, ki, kd, posTarget);
    case 4:
      //Set the motor to track the velocity target with given PID gains
      motor.PIDVel(kp_vel, ki_vel, kd_vel, velTarget);
    case 5:
      //Set the motor to hold at current position
      motor.PIDPos(2, 0, 0, 0);


void loop() {
  //perform the motor update required for PID, until movemenent, and any feedback

  //print out position
  Serial.print("Pos: ");

  //print out velocity
  Serial.print(" Vel: ");

  //print out acceleration
  Serial.print(" Acc: ");

Function List

// Ultrasonic sensor that utilizes an output and input pin
UltrasonicSensor::UltrasonicSensor(int trigPin, int echoPin);

//Read the Ultrasonic Sensor
int UltrasonicSensor::read();

// IR sensor that uses only an analog pin
IrSensor::IrSensor(int readPin);

//Read the IR sensor
int IrSensor::read();

//Digital pin and a string of "NC" or "NO" to denote normally open or normally closed operation.
BumpSwitch::BumpSwitch(int pin, String type);

//Returns 1 if pressed, regardless of NO or NC
int BumpSwitch::read();

//Linear actuator constructor with two input pins and a pwm pin
LinearActuator::LinearActuator(int IN1, int IN2, int ENA);

//Makes the actuator extend at pwm speed (default is at full speed via the class definition)
void LinearActuator::goUp(int pwm);

//Makes the actuator lower at pwm speed (default is at full speed via the class definition)
void LinearActuator::goDown(int pwm);

//Pause (but not turn off) the linear actuator
void LinearActuator::pause();

//Enable all motion methods. Required to run at start, or after turning off
void LinearActuator::turnOn();

//Prevent the linear actator from being actuated in any direction until this->turnOn() is called
void LinearActuator::turnOff();

//Class Instantiator. Pass the three pins, upper and lower pwm limits, a pointer of an encoder object from Encoder.h (e.g., Encoder* myEnc(18,19)), and the number of encoder counts per cm of tangential motion (i.e., counts per rev*rev/cm)
Motor::Motor(int IN1, int IN2, int ENA, int lowerLim, int upperLim, Encoder* enc, double countPerCm);

//MUST call in main loop - Performs all internal function updates
void Motor::internalUpdate();

//Setup PID Position Tracking to the given target
void Motor::PIDPos(double kp, double ki, double kd, double target);

//Setup PID Velocity Tracking to the given target
void Motor::PIDVel(double kp, double ki, double kd, double target);

//Return motor position
double Motor::getPos();

//Return motor velocity
double Motor::getVel();

//return motor acceleration
double Motor::getAcc();

//Set motor to be able to recieve current
void Motor::turnOn();

//Prevent motor from recieving current
void Motor::turnOff();

//change the internal position mode to the specified parameter
void Motor::setPos(double position);

//Go forward at pwm/255% power - open loop forced
void Motor::goForward(int pwm);

//Go backward at pwm/255% power - open loop forced
void Motor::goBackward(int pwm);

//Stop motion but keep motor in an active state - open loop forced
void Motor::pause();

//Go forward until event happens as on specified sensor pointer, under contition (i.e., "==","!=","<",...) compared to value
void Motor::goForwardUntil(int pwm, Sensor *trigger, String condition ,int value);

//Go backward until event happens as on specified sensor pointer, under contition (i.e., "==","!=","<",...) compared to value
void Motor::goBackwardUntil(int pwm, Sensor *trigger, String condition ,int value);


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