Food delivery web application project, built using .NET 5 MVC.
- CRUD operation
- Repository Pattern
- Areas
- Identity
- Viewcomponents
- Clone the project on your local computer or download as Zip folder.
- Open the .sln project.
- Add Migrations and Update Database on the Package Manager Console.
add-migration <migrationname>
- SeedData
- Build project.
- Run project.
- Clone the project on your local computer or download as Zip folder.
- Using the Command Prompt go to the directory of the project.
- Open the project at the root of the folder.
- Add Migrations and Update Database on the Terminal.
dotnet add migration <migrationname>
dotnet update database
- SeedData
- Clean the project using
dotnet clean
- Build project on the command line
dotnet build
- Run project.
dotnet run