Shellfox is a simple add-on for Firefox that allows you to run shell commands at the click of a button.
Shellfox has two components: A Firefox extension, and a native script that the extension uses to run commands.
You can install the Firefox extension from Firefox Add-ons (AMO).
The native script has only been tested on GNU/Linux, though it is likely to work on BSDs, and potentially macOS. It can be installed like so:
- Download the repository:
- Extract the ZIP-archive; this will make a folder called
. - Open a terminal within that
folder. - Run the command:
$ sudo make native-install
- Make sure you have the Firefox extension installed.
- Profit! ^_^
To install the native script solely from a terminal:
$ curl | tar -xzv
$ cd shellfox/
$ sudo make native-install
This add-on was inspired by Textern, which allows you to edit text-boxes with an external editor like Emacs. It’s very useful, I highly recommend it!
If you like mixing web-browsing with shell, then you’ll probably also like TabFS, a FUSE filesystem that exposes your browser tabs as files.
Author is Jaidyn Ann,
License is the GNU GPLv3.