A Mobile App Project By Liam Morton, Nathan L'Abbe and Jacob Dimoff
GitHub, Jira, and Time Tracker will be managed by Jacob Dimoff
The goal of Draw and Shake is to display our skills as mobile app developers by creating an app that mimics the classic child's toy, the Etch-a-sketch. The app would feature a main page to get started, the ability to save an image from the last session and then display it again, and two modes to draw it. Classic Mode, where the user must navigate a cursor that is consistently drawing to the page by using a simulated joystick, and Pencil Mode in which the user simply draws by moving their figure across the screen. If the user wants to delete the image, they could
This spirit will be dedicated to researching and designing the app. This will be divided into five categories:
- Research whether or not Kotlin has any built-in libraries we could use to draw to the screen.
- Research whether or not Kotlin has any built-in libraries for shaking the phone and how we could use this to benefit our project.
- How to create simulated joysticks in Kotlin.
- Layout of the main menu.
- Layout of the drawing page (back arrow to the menu and joystick layout.)
This sprint will be dedicated to coding and researching for the app. We will:
- Create the app interface for the main and drawing page. These elements would be interactive.
- Research save states so that the app will bring up the image that was last drawn if the user didn't shake.
- Implement the circular button so that it moves with the user's finger (does not draw to the screen yet.)
This sprint will be dedicated to developing an implementing a method i which the user can draw to the screen.
- First we would make it so that the user can draw with their finger.
- Next we could create a method in which the user manipulates finger buttons to draw to the screen.