Greetings! I am Zedong WANG (Jacky), a first-year CSE PhD student at HKUST.
- 🎓 Research Interests: Computer Vision and Efficient Multi-Task Learning.
- 📑 Selected Works: BOCB (arXiv'24), MogaNet (ICLR'24), VQDNA (ICML'24), OpenMixup (arXiv'22).
- 🏅 Selected Honors: Outstanding Reviewer at ECCV‘24 (2.7%), MM’24 (139/X), and BMVC‘24 (19.3%).
- 🌍 About Me: [Google Scholar] [🤗Hugging Face] .
- 🔍 Reach Me: Email:, or
- 🤝 I am looking to long-term collaboration on related research topics. Feel free to contact me!