This document formalizes the semantics for resolving, type-checking and normalizing Dhall expressions.
Note that this document does not specify how a language binding marshals an normalized Dhall expression into a matching expression in the host language. The details of how to do so are left open to each implementation, including supported integer ranges or how to idiomatically encode unions.
- Summary
- Expressions
- Notation for induction
- Shift
- Contexts
- Shift context
- Substitution
- α-normalization
- β-normalization
- Equivalence
- Function check
- Type inference
- Binary encoding and decoding
- Import resolution
Dhall's type system is a variation on CCω, implemented using a pure type system (see the "Function check" section for more details). Type abstraction and type application are explicit and not inferred. Dhall also supports additional built-in functions, operators, and constants for efficiency.
Dhall also supports referencing shadowed variables through the use of DeBruijn indices. This document spells out in detail how to implement these DeBruijn-like variable references.
The syntax of allowed Dhall expressions is specified in
The following notation is a simplified version of the syntax found in
. This simplified notation is used for all of the following
m, n = 0 / 1 + n ; Natural numbers
d = ±n ; Integers
x, y ; Variables
; Mnemonics for the most commonly used labels:
; Terms are lowercase:
; a = input term whose type is "A"
; b = output term whose type is "B"
; f = "f"unction
; l, r = "l"eft and "r"ight term that share the same type
; e = term whose type is "E"
; t = term whose type is "T"
; u = term whose type is "U"
; Types are uppercase:
; A = type of the input term "a"
; B = type of the output term "b"
; E = type of the term "e"
; T = type of the term "t"
; U = type of the term "u"
; Constants that are `Type`, `Kind`, or `Sort` are lowercase:
; c = "c"onstant
; i = function's "i"nput type
; o = function's "o"utput type
; Similar terms are distinguished by subscripts like `a₀`, `a₁`, …
; A term that represents zero or more values or key-value pairs ends with `s…`,
; such as `as…`
; Note that these are only informal mnemonics. Dhall is a pure type system,
; which means that many places in the syntax permit terms, types, kinds, and
; sorts. The typing judgments are the authoritative rules for what expressions
, are permitted and forbidden.
a, b, f, l, r, e, t, u, A, B, E, T, U, c, i, o
= x@n ; Identifier
; (`x` is short-hand for `x@0`)
/ λ(x : A) → b ; Anonymous function
/ ∀(x : A) → B ; Function type
; (`A → B` is short-hand for `∀(_ : A) → B`)
/ let x : A = a in b ; Let expression with type annotation
/ let x = a in b ; Let expression without type annotation
/ if t then l else r ; if-then-else expression
/ merge t u : T ; Union elimination with type annotation
/ merge t u ; Union elimination
/ [] : T ; Empty list literals with type annotation
/ [ t, ts… ] ; Non-empty list literals
/ t : T ; Type annotation
/ l || r ; Boolean or
/ l + r ; Natural addition
/ l ++ r ; Text append
/ l # r ; List append
/ l && r ; Boolean and
/ l ∧ r ; Recursive record merge
/ l ⫽ r ; Non-recursive right-biased record merge
/ l ⩓ r ; Recursive record type merge
/ l * r ; Natural multiplication
/ l == r ; Boolean equality
/ l != r ; Boolean inequality
/ l === r ; Equivalence (using ASCII to avoid
; confusion with the equivalence judgment)
/ f a ; Function application
/ t.x ; Field selection
/ t.{ xs… } ; Field projection
/ t.(s) ; Field projection by type
/ T::r ; Record completion
/ assert : T ; Assert judgemental equality
/ n.n ; Double-precision floating point literal
/ n ; Natural number literal
/ ±n ; Integer literal
/ "s" ; Uninterpolated text literal
/ "s${t}ss…" ; Interpolated text literal
/ {} ; Empty record type
/ { x : T, xs… } ; Non-empty record type
/ {=} ; Empty record literal
/ { x = t, xs… } ; Non-empty record literal
/ <> ; Empty union type
/ < x : T | xs… > ; Union type with at least one non-empty
; alternative
/ < x | xs… > ; Union type with at least one empty
; alternative
/ missing ; Identity for import alternatives,
; will always fail to resolve
/ l ? r ; Alternative imports resolution
/ https://authority directory file ; URL import
/ path file ; Absolute file path import
/ . path file ; Relative file path import
/ .. path file ; Relative file path import
/ ~ path file ; Home-anchored file path import
/ env:x ; Environment variable import
/ Some a ; Constructor for a present Optional value
; Reserved identifiers for builtins
/ Natural/build ; Natural introduction
/ Natural/fold ; Natural elimination
/ Natural/isZero ; Test if zero
/ Natural/even ; Test if even
/ Natural/odd ; Test if odd
/ Natural/toInteger ; Convert Natural to Integer
/ Natural/show ; Convert Natural to Text representation
/ Natural/subtract ; Perform truncated subtraction on two Naturals
/ Integer/toDouble ; Convert Integer to Double
/ Integer/show ; Convert Integer to Text representation
/ Integer/negate ; Invert sign of Integers, with positive
; values becoming negative and vice-versa
/ Integer/clamp ; Convert Integer to Natural by clamping
; negative values to zero
/ Double/show ; Convert Double to Text representation
/ List/build ; List introduction
/ List/fold ; List elimination
/ List/length ; Length of list
/ List/head ; First element of list
/ List/last ; Last element of list
/ List/indexed ; Tag elements with index
/ List/reverse ; Reverse list
/ Text/show ; Convert Text to its own representation
/ Bool ; Bool type
/ Optional ; Optional type
/ Natural ; Natural type
/ Integer ; Integer type
/ Double ; Double type
/ Text ; Text type
/ List ; List type
/ True ; True term
/ False ; False term
/ None ; Absent Optional value
/ Type ; Type of terms
/ Kind ; Type of types
/ Sort ; Type of kinds
This document uses a non-standard …
notation for distinguishing list elements
or key-value pairs in records/unions from other expression types,
records, and unions:
t : Naked label which could be any type of expression.
[ ts… ] : A list with 0 or more values.
[ t, ts… ] : A list with 1 or more values. The first value is `t`.
{ xs… } : A record type or record value with 0 or more fields.
{ x : T, xs… } : A record type with 1 or more field-type pairs. At least one
field is named `x` with a type of `T`.
{ x = t, xs… } : A record value with 1 or more field-value pairs. At least one
field is named `x` with a value of `t`.
< xs… > : A union type with 0 or more alternative-type pairs.
< x : T | xs… > : A union type with 1 or more alternative-type pairs.
At least one alternative is named `x` with a type
of `T`.
< x | xs… > : A union type with 1 or more empty alternatives
At least one alternative is named `x`, which is an
empty alternative
"s" : A `Text` literal without any interpolated expressions
"s${t}ss…" : A `Text` literal with at least one interpolated expression
s'' : A multi-line `Text` literal with only one line
s'' : A multi-ine `Text` literal with more than one line
You will see this notation in judgments that perform induction on lists, records, or unions. For example, the following judgment for normalizing a non-empty list says that to normalize a list you normalize the head of the list and then normalize the tail:
t₀ ⇥ t₁ [ ts₀… ] ⇥ [ ts₁… ]
[ t₀, ts₀… ] ⇥ [ t₁, ts₁… ]
Note that this notation does not imply that implementations must use induction or inductive data structures (like linked lists) to implement lists, records, or unions. Implementations may freely use more efficient data structures like arrays or dictionaries, so long as they behave the same.
We use the keys
operator to define rules based on the keys of record types or
literals, for example:
keys({ x : Bool, y : Natural }) = x, y
keys({=}) = ε
where ε
represents an empty sequence.
More formally, we define
s ⇥ {}
keys(s) = ε
s ⇥ { x : T, ss… }
keys(ss…) = ss₁…
keys(s) = x, ss₁…
for record types and analogously for record literals.
Dhall's grammar supports multi-line string literals, such as:
These multi-line string literals are syntactic sugar for ordinary double-quoted string literals and the conversion from multi-line string literals double-quoted string literals occurs at parse time.
For example, the above multi-line string literal is parsed as:
Because this conversion occurs at parse-time all of the following judgments only deal with double-quoted string literals. Consequently, there are no separate rules for type-checking or normalizing multi-line string literals.
The logic for desugaring multi-line string literals to double-quoted string literals is implemented in a judgment:
to-double-quotes(s₀) = s₁
You can find the details of this judgment in the following separate document:
Dhall supports syntactic sugar for records that also occurs at parse time.
For example, a record literal of the form:
{ x.y = 1, x.z = 1 } }
... first desugars dotted fields to nested records:
{ x = { y = 1 }, x = { z = 1 } }
... and then desugars duplicate fields by merging them using ∧
{ x = { y = 1 } ∧ { z = 1} }
Because this conversion occurs at parse-time all of the following judgments only deal with records that have no dotted fields and that have unique keys.
Desugaring record literals with dotted fields is implemented by the following judgment:
desugar-dotted-fields(r₀) = r₁
... and desugaring record literals with duplicate fields is handled by the following judgment:
desugar-duplicates(r₀) = r₁
You can find the details of these judgments in the following separate document:
Dhall allows variables to reference shadowed variables of the same name using De Bruijn indices. For example:
┌──refers to──┐
│ │
↓ │
λ(x : Type) → λ(y : Type) → λ(x : Type) → x@0
┌────────────────refers to────────────────┐
│ │
↓ │
λ(x : Type) → λ(y : Type) → λ(x : Type) → x@1
refers to the "nth" bound variable named x
counting outwards from where
the variable is referenced.
If a variable does not specify the De Bruijn index (i.e. just x
) then the De
Bruijn index defaults to 0 (i.e. x@0
), like this:
┌─refers to─┐
│ │
↓ │
λ(x : Type) → λ(y : Type) → λ(x : Type) → x
Dhall uses a shift function internally to avoid variable capture in the implementation of De Bruijn indices.
This shift function has the form:
↑(d, x, m, e₀) = e₁
You can find the details of this judgment in the following separate document:
The syntax of contexts is:
Γ = ε ; The empty context
/ Γ, x : T ; A context extended with a type annotation for a variable
Contexts are ordered and there can be multiple type annotations in the context for the same variable. The DeBruijn index associated with each variable disambiguates which variable to refer to in the context.
You can also shift a context by shifting each expression in that context:
↑(d, x, m, ε) = ε
↑(d, x, m, Γ₀) = Γ₁ ↑(d, x, m, T₀) = T₁
↑(d, x, m, (Γ₀, y : T₀)) = Γ₁, y : T₁
β-reduction requires support for substitution, which consists in replacing the uses of a given variable in an expression by another expression.
Substitution has the form:
e₀[x@n ≔ a] = e₁
You can find the details of this judgment in the following separate document:
α-normalization renames all bound variables within an expression to use De Bruijn indices.
α-normalization has the form:
t₀ ↦ t₁
You can find the details of this judgment in the following separate document:
β-normalization transforms a Dhall expression to an expression called its normal form. This is similar to "executing" the program represented by the given Dhall expression.
β-normalization has the form:
t₀ ⇥ t₁
You can find the details of this judgment in the following separate document:
Equivalence captures what it means for two Dhall expressions to be "the same". It is used for type inference and β-normalization.
Equivalence is a relationship between two expression of the form:
l ≡ r
Two expressions are equivalent if they are identical after β-normalization, α-normalization, and binary encoding:
l₀ ⇥ l₁ l₁ ↦ x encode(x) = b r₀ ⇥ r₁ r₁ ↦ y encode(y) = b
l₀ ≡ r₀
Note that this definition of equivalence does not include η-equivalence, so
λ(f : Bool → Bool) → λ(x : Bool) → f x
and λ(f : Bool → Bool) → f
are not
Note also that this means that Double
s should not be compared using standard float equality.
The function check governs the types of functions that our pure type system permits.
The function check is a judgment of the form:
c₀ ↝ c₁ : c₂
You can find the details of this judgment in the following separate document:
Type inference is a judgment of the form:
Γ ⊢ t : T
You can find the details of this judgment in the following separate document:
Dhall supports encoding and decoding expressions to and from a binary format.
Binary encoding and decoding is captured by two judgments:
encode(dhall) = cbor
decode(cbor) = dhall
You can find the details of these judgments in the following separate document:
Import resolution is captured by a judgment:
(Δ, here) × Γ₀ ⊢ e₀ ⇒ e₁ ⊢ Γ₁
You can find the details of this judgment in the following separate document: