This is a calculator that I've made for my digital logic class. This was done on an Altera DE2-115 board. This works using a 3 bit operation code, that works in the following ways. These are only done if the perform signal is high.
K in this situation is a 2 bit parameter variable that allows the user to choose numbers or registers.
Operation | Result |
000 | R0 <- 0, R1 <- 1, R2 <- 2, R3 <- 3 |
001 | R0 <- K |
010 | R0 <- RK |
011 | RK <- R0 |
100 | R0 <- R0 + RK |
101 | R0 <- R0 - RK |
110 | R0 <- R0 * RK |
111 | R0 <- 2 ^ RK |