For services we distinguish between two types of functionality:
Download workout: here OpenRowingMonitor will fetch the planned workout parameters (target distance, intervals, etc.) from the service before the session and will program the monitor accordingly
Upload results: here OpenRowingMonitor uploads the result of your rowing session (i.e. total time rowed, pace, stroke rate, etc.) to the service after your session has completed
Looking at the individual services, we see the following:
Service | Download workout | Upload results | Remarks |
File system | No | Yes | |
Strava | No | Yes | | | No | Yes | Upoad only, currently requires batch script |
Rowingdata | No | Yes | Upoad only, currently requires batch script | | No | Yes | Upoad only, currently requires batch script |
Garmin Connect | No | Yes | Upoad only, currently requires batch script |
In the following sections we describe their pro's and con's, as well as their current limitations with OpenRowingMonitor, and how to set it up.
OpenRowingMonitor supports the following exports, which can be obtained via the network share:
Garmin FIT files: These are binairy files that contain the most interesting metrics of a rowing session. Most modern training analysis tools will accept a FIT-file. You can manually upload these files to training platforms like Strava, Garmin Connect,, RowsAndAll or Trainingpeaks to track your training sessions;
Training Center XML files (TCX): These are XML-files that contain the most essential metrics of a rowing session. Most training analysis tools will accept a tcx-file. You can upload these files to training platforms like Strava, Garmin Connect,, RowsAndAll or Trainingpeaks to track your training sessions;
RowingData files, which are comma-seperated files with all metrics Open Rowing Monitor can produce. These can be uploaded to RowsAndAll for a webbased analysis (including dynamic in-stroke metrics). The csv-files can also be processed manually in Excel, allowing your own custom analysis. Please note that for visualising in-stroke metrics in RowsAndAll (i.e. force, power and handle speed curves), you need their yearly subscription.
The Open rowing Monitor installer can set up a network share that contains all training data so it is easy to grab the files from there and manually upload them to the training platform of your choice.
Uploading your sessions to Strava is an integrated feature. Strava can handle both tcx- and fit-files, but it will only display the data from the tcx-file. Part of the specific parameters in config/config.js
are the Strava settings. To use this, you have to create a Strava API Application as described here and use the corresponding values. When creating your Strava API application, set the "Authorization Callback Domain" to the IP address of your Raspberry Pi.
Once you get your Strava credentials, you can add them in config/config.js
stravaClientId: "StravaClientID",
stravaClientSecret: "client_secret_string_from_the_Strava_API",
RowsAndAll provides the most extensive on-line data analysis environment for rowing. Our RowingData export is made in collaboration with them, and provides the most extensve dataset OpenRowingMonitor can provide. Uploading can be automated through their e-mail interface, see this description. Once you setup of your mail sending client has been done on the Raspberry Pi, you can do the following
echo -e "workouttype rower (Indoor rower)\nnote ${note}" | mail -r -s "${descriptor}" --content-type=text/csv --content-filename "Workout.csv" -A ${fileName} --content-type=text/plain
Please note your batch script has to identify the file name, add a note and description. Your originating email adress should match the email used for RowsAndAll.
RowingData is an app that can be installed on your Raspberry Pi, allowing you to automatically have an analysis platform as well.
Uploading of tcx- and fit-files to can be done by the following commands
activityNumber=`curl -u API_KEY:yOURaPIkEY -X POST -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' -F name="${descriptor}" -F file=@${fileName} | cut -d "," -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 4`
curl -u API_KEY:yOURaPIkEY -X PUT${activityNumber} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"type":"Rowing", "total_elevation_gain":"0", "trainer": true}'
Here, you need to replace yOURaPIkEY and yOURaTHELEnUMBER with the data from The first line actually uploads the tcx- or fit-file, the second modifies the standard parameters from the activity to make it a rowing activity and removes any elevation gain.
Uploading to Garmin Connect can be done by uploading the fit-file via python-garminconnect and a batch script.