Hub repo for release of Codex 1.8 cannon server, client mods, and public world archives at time of shutdown on 2024-8-14.
The server can be downloaded here. The configs have been cleaned up and it's ready to use. Doesn't include any data from OG server.
- In terminal, make sure
java -version
says 8 (if it doesn't work tryjava --version
), or modify start.bat to use a specific java 8 installation. Don't DM me to fix your java installation. - After starting server run
andwhitelist add
commands in terminal.
The public world archives from 2024-8-14 can be downloaded here (3 GB).
- will show all commands for CannonTracer/ct
- clears tracers. Alias for/t clear
- toggles tracers. Alias for/t t
- fill dispencers within 64 blocks with 576 TNT. Alias for/dt 64 46 576
- kills all entities in your world. Alias for/killall entities
- uses last button/lever
/mv list
- list all worlds/mv tp <world-name>
- teleport to specified world/mv create <world-name> NORMAL -g CleanroomGenerator:
- create new superflat world
- toggles TNT tracking/tntminx
- set minimum threshold for X/tntminy
- set minimum threshold for Y/tntminz
- set minimum threshold for Z/togglesand
- toggles sand tracking/sandminx
- set minimum threshold for X/sandminy
- set minimum threshold for Y/sandminz
- set minimum threshold for Z/thresholds
- view min velocity values and max center distance values/togglereceive
- toggles output to command executor/togglebounds
- toggles entity distance filtering/setcenter
- sets center position for distance filtering/maxxfromcenter
- sets max X distance from center/maxyfromcenter
- sets max Y distance from center/maxzfromcenter
- sets max Z distance from center/decimalplaces
- sets decimal places in output/only1x1s
- only shows entity location in 1x1 spaces