Reproducing results from Smith et al.'s 2018 batch size paper on a smaller CNN.
This is a CS 5824: Advanced Machine Learning group project for reproducing the results of a research paper. We intend to test Smith et al.'s results from Don't Decay the Learning Rate, Increase the Batch Size, by seeing how well the technique transfers to a smaller CNN on the MNIST dataset as opposed to ImageNet.
Smith et al. report both theoretical and experimental evidence of a method to reduce training time of a neural network without compromising its accuracy: instead of decaying the learning rate, increase the batch size. The authors train Wide ResNet, Inception-ResNet-V2, and ResNet-50 models, reporting that their procedure is successful with SGD, SGD with momentum, Nesterov momentum, and Adam optimizers.
The authors describe a "noise scale" in their analysis to support the claim. The noise scale "controls the magnitude of the random fluctuations in the training dynamics". They argue that decaying the learning rate is one way of reducing noise, and show that increasing batch size is an equivalent way of accomplishing this same objective. In their experiments, the authors test different training schedules and measure the validation accuracy and number of parameters updates needed to their models.
Intel Core i5-6600K CPU (3.5GHZ) with 16GB RAM is the hardware used to run our experiments. We used an Anaconda environment with Python 3.7.5 and ran experiments in Jupyter Notebooks. Our backend was Keras 2.2.4 and TensorFlow 1.15.0. All dependencies can be installed with
conda create -n EnvName python=3.7.5
conda install -c conda-forge keras=2.2.4 tensorflow=1.15.0 numpy mnist jupyter
We selected Victor Zhou's CNN that trains on MNIST as a baseline model that is known to classify handwritten digits well, and made modifications to this model to compare with the authors' experiments.
The authors note that ghost batch normalization is necessary for their
experiments, so we set up a BatchNormalization
layer with virtual batch size
10 and batch size 100 to precede the first (and only) CNN layer of our network.
TensorFlow supports this only through the tf.keras
libraries and not under
just keras
Second, since the authors test 3 different training schedules in their 5.1
results, we establish callbacks that, over 6 epochs, employ their schedules in
steps of 2 epochs. Since the model can be trained quickly, this is sufficient
to observe the results being measured. TensorFlow and Keras have yet to accept
pull requests that enable batch size callbacks, so we iteratively call fit
our model with different batch sizes to emulate this training schedule.
To reproduce the experiments, we tried the same optimizers used in their 5.1 methodology and apply each of the 3 training schedules. We select our learning rates for SGD with respect to the training schedule (e.g. we expect that "decaying learning rate" should take a higher initial learning rate, and so on). For SGD, we tried Vanilla SGD and SGD with momentum as was done in the paper. Our parameters for Adam are the default, similar to the authors'.
The following is the baseline result for training a basic convolutional neural network with Adam on Mnist. The baseline took 49.19 seconds to finish. The final validation accuracy was 0.9744.
We could reproduce the same results that the authors got in their experiments. The following is a comparison of the authors' results with ours.
vanilla sgd results | paper's vanilla sgd results |
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adam results | paper's adam results |
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sgd with momentum results | paper's sgd with momentum results |
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Increasing the batch size instead of decaying the learning rate indeed have similar validation accuracy as was reported in the paper, within 1% difference for all setups.
Next, these are our results for measuring the training time.
vanilla sgd training times for each schedule |
![]() |
adam training times for each schedule |
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sgd with momentum training times for each schedule |
![]() |
We found all three setups, Vanilla SGD, Adam, and SGD with momentum, follow the same pattern. Decaying the learning rate had the longest training time, followed by the hybrid schedule, and lastly increasing the batch size. The difference between the longest and the shortest training time was about 2-3 seconds.
We noticed that the training time for each epoch when increasing the batch size at each step noticeably decreased the training time as can be seen below.
In our paper, Smith et al. reference Goyal et al. for motivation of their research as well as for implementing a similar SGD set up that Goyal et al. used [5]. Goyal et al. introduce an optimization method of increasing the mini batch size for momentum SGD using parallel computing for each mini batch. Before their work, small mini batch sizes were used, which have long training times. Goyal et al. introduce a scaling rule that they adapt in their experiments to increase the mini batch size without sacrificing generalization accuracy. According to the scaling rule, when increasing the batch size, a larger learning rate should accordingly be used. Goyal et al. also introduce the employment of a warm-up stage during pre-training for better results. As a result, they could significantly reduce the training time for ImageNet using a mini batch size of 8192 and parallelization. Smith et al. replicates the set up by Goyal et al. in their attempt to train ImageNet within 2500 parameter updates. Goyal et al.'s research provided a good basis for claiming that the use of large batch sizes reduces training time.
The authors of our paper reference Hoffer et al.'s algorithm "Ghost Batch Normalization" which was introduced in Train longer, generalize better. Hoffer et al. analyze the generalization gap that happens with training on large batch sizes. They empirically show that the generalization gap can be eliminated by adapting the training regime used, which our authors take advantage of. Their ghost batch normalization procedure decreases the gap without increasing parameters updates to the model during training. Part of their work shows that SGD can converge to strongly convex minima when altering the batch size as part of the training schedule.
We also looked at a paper previously published by our authors, A Bayesian Perspective on Generalization and Stochastic Gradient Descent. In the authors' theoretical argument in support of an increasing batch size training schedule, they reference this previous paper which demonstrates an optimal batch size exists. They further argue that by solving SGD as a differential equation, it has direct correspondence to the "noise scale" mentioned in this paper. This connects to ghost batch normalization by their claim that noise introduced by mini-batches helps SGD find minima that will generalize well. They offer empirical evidence to corroborate the proportionality between batch size and noise scale.
We see comparable accuracies across the different training schedules while increasing the batch size reduces training time. This training time comparison depends on consistency with the hardware used; because we didn't use GPUs and it was multiprocessed all on the same machine, the comparison across experiments is fair. While the accuracies differ up to 1%, we expect that hyperparameter adjustment or even rerunning the experiments could close the gap. Our results appear to corroborate the authors' claims: we were able to trade off decaying the learning rate in favor of increasing the batch size and still saw good accuracy while decreasing training time.
We'd like to note that the experiments lack a clear independent variable. The training schedules are the independent variable being tested; however, there are confounding variables in this---namely, the learning rate and the batch size. By adjusting both variables in each training schedule, it's hard to evaluate the fairness of the experiments performed. Consider that the learning rate and batch size are not independent on their effects toward the model's ability to generalize on the dataset.
Overall, we were able to reproduce some of the results from the authors on a different CNN. We suspect it would be possible to reproduce more if the entire set of experiments were implemented.
- Don't Decay the Learning Rate, Increase the Batch Size
- Train longer, generalize better: closing the generalization gap in large batch training of neural networks
- A Bayesian Perspective on Generalization and Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Keras for Beginners: Implementing a Convolutional Neural Network
- Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour
- Using Learning Rate Schedules for Deep Learning Models in Python with Keras
- How to re-initialize Keras model weights
- How to measure training time between epochs